Ch-60 Edge Lord

"I would like to register as an adventurer," William announced. 

"That's wonderful; we'll be glad to have someone like you register with us," Bella replied, her excitement contagious. 

It was true that she was excited about their guild having received not just one but two new talented adventurers. 

After all, more talented and strong adventurers just means that they could get through missions at a faster rate. 

The truth is, pretty much all adventurer guilds are flooded with commissions 24/7 due to their popularity and lack of real competition. 

While it's great that they have monopolies, it also leads to both the staff and adventurers needing to overwork. 

So with a big smile on her face, she made her way towards her reception area to first complete Jasmine's registration before she started the newcomers. 

After all, she wasn't rude enough to neglect the first talent that came just because of a new talent.