Ch-122 What Is Fire? -6

"Achoo!" William sneezed as snot came out of his nose. 

'So cold'

In both of his previous scenarios, his body got progressively colder as time went on, but almost involuntarily, he kept ignoring it. 

However, not anymore, as it had finally reached a tipping point where the cold was starting to affect him. 

Going from agonisingly burning alive in the flames of 'hell' to freezing alive was definitely not an experience William ever thought he'd have. 

And if he were still conscious, he probably would have joked about his situation as usual. 

But that was no longer the case; throughout these scenarios, Williams control over his body got reduced, and now he had none. 

He was merely a spectator who experienced everything that happened to his body without being able to form thoughts or move his body. 

His individuality was already waning; it was clear that it wouldn't be possible for him to survive for much longer. 
