Ch--133 I will Kill You


For the past hour and a half, Sung had been begging for it just to escape the pain he was going through. 

While he had known that it was going to hurt even before he started the whole process, not even in his wildest dreams could he have properly estimated the sheer amount of pain he was going to go through. 

But despite this, he endured it all for the sake of his mother and revenge. 

And he could feel that he was getting closer; he could feel his previously weak soul getting stronger from all the life force he was absorbing. 

And now, in just a few seconds, he could tell that he'll take the first step towards accomplishing his dream. 

His system had promised him that once all this was over, he'd be reborn with the legendary Tier V divine aspect. 

Throughout history, there has only been one other divine aspect, and he has become the most famous and well-known god.