Do You Want To See That Place Of Mine?

"No way! If you slept without any of your clothes on, you'd be able to see one another's naked bodies, Abigaille!...There's no way a mother and son should do such a disgraceful act!" 

Camila let out a little shout of excitement when she heard my mother admit the matters of the bedroom to her, and she seemed to be too immersed in the conversation that she forgot she was supposed to be teasing my mother. 

"If your surprised by that, Camila, then let me tell you that my Kafi has not only seen my body, but he's also felt all parts of my naked body in his hands as well." 

My mother surprisingly also seemed to have gotten really invested into the conversation, as she was sharing many unnecessary details that Camila didn't even ask for, almost as if she were gossiping about how her husband performed in bed with her best friend.