The Dead Rise


-Manuel & Jessica-

The monsters growling and clawing slowly disappear as they move farther away from the door. To where you can mistakenly think that it was completely silent. Jessica and Manuel where in a Comforting family hug. Together they felt the true embrace of safety for this one moment.

"Princess... Jessica, Right now we're in a dangerous situation. These ... Monsters. Are everywhere. They have overrun our home. We need to head out towards Sedona. Our cabin is out there. It's isolated and I hope none of these monsters won't be near us. It'll be safe over there."

Jessica and Manuel look face to face. Manuel was keeping a fearless stern expression as it was masking the fear and anxiety of the current situation. While Jessica's tears run down her cheek, face red and eyes watery. It was something that Manual never wanted to see from his daughter. But after knowing that his wife is now gone, he could barely hold his hidden mask of fearlessness.

" Jessica. I can't carry you all the way to Sedona. I need you to get up. And I need you to keep up with me because we are going to run and run all the way to the cabin. I know it's a long way. But right now the driveway is full of those monsters and getting to Mommy's car is too dangerous. So I need to make this clear to you. Stay Together. Stay behind me and keep up. Okay."

He hold his hand out. Waiting for a answer.

She sniffled, wiping her runny nose and tears. "Okay." She grab hold of his hand, and shook. " I'll be quick. And I won't fall behind."

"Good... Very good." He said with a small ounce of joy.

I suppose father and daughter were at ease. They continue to think calmly of the situation.

"Okay. Getting down to the first floor isn't going be easy." Manuel walk towards the window that's facing towards the backyard. And sees that The yard is completely empty. No sign of the monsters anywhere. There's a clear road to the alley on the other side of the fence door, that's usually padlock. The key for the padlock? Well, in the drawer of the workbench in the garage.

"Wait a minute?" The garage!? It had his recently bought Tesla vehicle. There that is their ticket to Sedona. But The problem how to get down for the second floor? And if the garage is even empty, usually nobody especially the house staff doesn't go in there. But it's a chance worth taking. The only chance.

"All right, that's a plan. We got a few sheets in the closet and the one on the bed so let's work with that. Jessica, did you learn how to climb ropes in gym class?"

"Ya, but I wasn't really good at climbing. But I can hang on to the rope." She said at the end with a Sarcastic smile.

"Alright then" manual moved away from the window and went into the closet and pull out two bed Sheets, and the one on the actual bed. "Now. Start making knots in these sheets." She threw one end of the sheets to her. Both of them start getting to work with their homemade rope.

A few minutes go by, as the homemade rope was practically finished, Jessica looked up and showed her work on the sheets. "Look dad! I'm braiding the bed sheets." Referring to the sheets as it look like a giant braided hair. She looked up cheerfully trying to lighten the mood from the horrific reality. It eased, and warms Manuals heart seeing that smile in such dire times.

As they're about finish, the silence within the room was broken from something banging loudly on the bedroom door.


Manual immediately pick up the shotgun and point it at the door. Even the stock of the gun leading up against his shoulders still echoes from training of any kind of situation, except for this one of all phenomenons.

Jessica sat Silent, Manuel got up slowly keeping his movements limited to prevent more noises. He approached the door and pointed his ear to see if he can hear any more then just a thud's.

THUD!... THUD-DUK!... THUD!...

It stop suddenly. And what followed was nothing but granting nightmares.

"Mister Rivick? Are you there? Dinner is ready."

That voice, it was a familiar voice to Jessica and her father. It was the same voice that would tend to them in the morning, dinner, and lunch throughout their daily lives. Rosette spoke again.

"Mister Rivick. I understand why you would be unsettled by my Unlady-like actions from earlier. I would like to say that I am fine. And your wife, Mrs. Rvick, is patiently waiting for you. Hurry, come out, before our meal is spoiled."

Jessica and her father look horrified at the bedroom door. Manuel knew who was eating his wife, and the pressure of the reality of seeing that horrific site was starting to weigh its toll.

To Manual He thought these monsters were nothing, but the under dead walking upon the Earth again, like In those George Romero, Zack Snyder movies. His film buff knowledge was thrown out the window. but the main question that repeats to Manuel, Is Rosetta alive. Is she one of those things. Because she was one of the monsters that was eating his wife, Julie. He is so much for unsure that a saying human being will be eating somebody like the rest of those monsters.

Manuel moved away from the door and easily snuck up close to his daughter. "Jessica." He whispers. "I now what you might be thinking. But that's not her. I'm not really sure if it's even her anymore. But to be safe we cannot let her come near us. Let's get out and get to the garage as soon as possible."

Just got nodded and followed Manuel as they carefully stepped preventing any loud footsteps. In this process of complete silents, Manuel ties the bed sheet rope to one of the legs on a desk in the bedroom. Once done, securing the rope Manual heads to the window with the other end of the rope. Then gave it to Jessica.

"Jessica, hold on tightly and I will lure you down okay like in those old movies that we watch."

She nodded. But as she's a about to take one step out of the window, she spoke a thought that she had.

"Dad. If Rosanna can talk. Then do you think there's a possibility That mommy might be talking?... Um, Never mind it just occurred to me. Okay ready."

The possibility that mommy might be talking, is what paralyzed Manual with dread. The thought was possible if one can talk. What if others can talk nonsense but they're just Spending to get them. And it's some kind of method of luring them to... Them maybe. Metaphorically he stand down an abyss full of questions, and th hopes for answers were too painful receive, if proven.

"Wait Jessica, don't step out yet." She easily snuck away from the window. And Manuel head back towards the bedroom door. Leaning his head up against the door, ear planted on. And he listened carefully. At first nothing, then he focused. That's when he started to hear them. One, two, three, four, Five! He can hear more, more and more of them. Their silent, grunting and moaning, but no loud movements. He heard like a little shuffle and step for a little bit but in conclusion, They were just waiting there at the door.

Manuel move away from the door and snuck back to the window with Jessica.

"Dad what are you doing?" She whispered forcefully staying quiet. "I thought we're going through the window?"

"Jessica. I hate to say this, but. Someone like me needs to stay back and fight these monsters. I'll lure you down, out the window. Get into the garage and wait in the Tesla. And I'll meet up with you." He handed her the keys to the vehicle, and the bag of supplies. Jessica was confused. They looked at each other again and suddenly just by looking at Manuel's face, his stern calm face, was in a force smile. She understand him, of what he was going to do when he stays here. He's going to make his way through those monsters to find out if their mother is one of them like Rosetta. If her corpse can speak again. He laid his hand upon Jessica's shoulder. " Trust me."

She was horrified but she hold on to the rope and waited for him to lower her.

"Okay." He moved the chair away from the door. "When you hear a loudbang. Turn on the Tesla and Mark our destination." She nodded and waited. Manuel hold on to the rope and slowly repel her down from the window and onto the patio of the backyard. The curtains were still covering the sliding doors of glass. Keeping her present hidden.

The bag may have the boxes of extra ammunition, but he had enough firepower to kill more than three deers. His Glock 19, holstered but ready. Revolver, also hosted but was ready to be used. The Remington. He pumped it letting one shell into the barrel, ready to be fired. He walked up to the door and move the way the chair.

He whispered to himself. "Jessica! Stay safe. And I'll stay safe. Promise!" crimping onto the door handle, he opened the floodgates. He swung the door open, then while simultaneously he stepped quickly away, making distance between him and the doorway. And there, on the other side, was a horde of monsters waiting for him. He raised the shotgun Barrel and pointed at the horde of the monsters and pulled the trigger.