Awaken From Dreams


It was the breeze, the wind, the smell, the major field, joy and nostalgia. It was the beach. The oceans see washing back and forth onto the wood glowing sand. And there she was standing in between the sea and land. On her left was the Pacific Ocean, the largest body of water, and on her right were two adults that she knew from her beginning. And there is sitting on a spread out blanket on the beach sand. It was her mother and father. Her mother is sitting on her bottom and her swimsuit wearing glasses and a sun hat was eating a sandwich where one half of the sandwich was wrapped up with some kind of serving paper, She took a bite and was smiling of the sweet and the flavorful sandwich. While her father was just sitting as well eating the same sandwich as her, and looking surprised from the marvelous flavor

Jessica was happy looking at her family being so happy. And made her happy knowing that her parents is bickering. Fighting has now come to the end. The mistakes that they both made, and the hardship that they overcome, and let them back to them being happy together. And Jessica wanted to join them.

Jessica immediately started running towards her mother and father, and a blissful wonderful jog.

But for a minute she ran and ran. Until she finally noticed and looked down that the ocean water that was washing upon land was pulling her back. It was like she was on a treadmill that was pulling her into the sea. She looked up to her parents and they were moving away farther and farther. But she looked back and looked that the ocean as it was getting closer and closer as her feet began to be emerged to the salty sea.

"No no no no no no! I can't let this happen! They've been through so much that they are now happy. I want to be happy with them! Don't take them away from me! Please!"

Just from a little jog. Became a Sprint as she was trying to reach her parents but sadly, the water pulled her in. From her feet to her knees now turn a waste. The water was rising and she was slowly losing speed. It was now hard to move. She didn't stop moving. She kept on moving towards her parents but this force was slowly pulling her into the sea. Then a shock came to her leg cramping up her muscle. The pain jolted and she screamed.


Her scream got her a parent's tension, they dropped their sandwiches and immediately start running towards the ocean. But the ways have overcome Jessica pulling her in the more she drifted away farther and father as her parents try to swim towards her. But she was drifting even more further as if the sea was taking her away from them.

The cramp in her leg prevented her from swimming and she slowly drowned into the sea. The water became red as she was under. Then from underneath her the c4 was blackened as it was like some kind of endless abyss. But the more she drowned, the closer she got and she could see hundreds of thousands of hands coming towards her like some kind of tentacle. One of the hands got hold of her pulling her down dragging her into the abyss.

As she struggled and put up a fight, refusing to let such a force overcome her. But sadly it did as one of the hands had a mouth and its palms and that mouth had teeth. The hand with a mouth grabbed her shoulder and its teeth dug into our flesh.



Jessica sprung up from the bed as she awakened from her dream. She breathes rapidly and heavenly, sa she looks around herself, she realized that she was in her bedroom. A room with pink scarlet Walls that were close to red. The ceiling was decorated in tiny Christmas lights, with little fake leaf Vines from design. Her room was covered with different posters of different movies that she liked, mainly superhero movies. Her closet door was still the same Just as it was this morning, open and all messy with her clothes. Disorganized from clean to dirty. She can feel the comfort of the soft queen mattress that She was laying down on. She looked up to see that her top bunk was still there.

This isn't a dream. This is my house. Wait but… Jessica thought for a moment.

Jessica's bed was a bunk bed, The lower bunk was a queen bed while the top bunk could only fit a single bed. The reason for having this, bite her friends and cousins for any playdates or visitors to double as a guest room. But really Jessica only had it because of her giant stuffed toys of different characters from games, movies, TV shows, and anime.

Jessica got off from her bed and walked up to the wide body mirror that was hanging on her wall. Seeing her reflection, She saw that The school uniform that she wore was in a terrible condition. Torn open hole was on her shoulder. The jacket was practically dirty and torn up nearly into ribbons. Her white button up shirt was also damaged as well and her tie was missing. But the emblem to her school was torn in half. She was surprised that her uniform has gotten this damaged within a few hours, She assumes. And she look from her uniform. She Scan herself from bottom to top, until she finally looked at her face and saw herself. Her eyes cover in full red and pupils pitch black.

When Jessica spotted her eye changes, She jolted back thinking that she was looking at a monster but really it was her reflection as she realized.

"My eyes!? What happened? What did they do to my eyes?!" The terrorist slowly sinks in, and realizes that it was her. Her mother did this, the monster version of her, did this. She felt a deep dreadful horror. She questioned herself thinking that is she now one of them those monsters? The same flesh eating killers that took her mother? Her mother? She kept on thinking and realized within the intense moment of when the Tesla was refusing to accelerate within the garage, She remembered that the window on her side burst open and it was her mother. That was one of those monsters that bit her arm. The memory appeared so clear to her. Jessica rubbed the bite mark, feeling marks that are now healed.

The muffling distance crying could be heard from the next room to hers. Usually that room is her parents' room. Jessica thought that if she was in a dream, would she be able to know if she was or to be lost into the illusion of her own dream. But at the same time it scares her that if this was a dream come true or maybe, a nightmare come true.

Just got to look at the clock and there she saw that it was 11:00 P.M. 7 hours have past since she came back home, and the horror that began.

Jessica's cautious of moving to her house the last time she was here was when a bunch of monsters flood the halls and rooms. In her room she tried to look for something to protect herself, she looked under her bed, but just little mini plastic drawers that contained her clothes and shoes. Then she looked in the closet. Full of different clothes of all kinds from regular t-shirts to dresses, all on hangers. She pushed aside all of that and looked to the back and found a metal baseball bat. The one that she used back in junior high when she was still playing on her baseball team. She grabbed hold of the bat and headed towards her bedroom door.

She quietly and slowly turns the door knob, opening her door and repeating the same slow process of closing her door preventing any loud sounds of any kind. The floor didn't creek but her footsteps were muffled by the rug covered in blood that was still slightly wet. In the hallway, Jessica thought that it would be covered in bodies of the monsters that her father slain in here. But there are no bodies, just blood everywhere, and holes where it seem to be bullets might have been from her father's gunshots of fighting off the monsters. She continues slowly creeping towards her parents bedroom. She slowly opened the door knob and moved the door forward, opening to the site of the bedroom. Where she and Manual were at, before they decided to head towards the Tesla. The moment when the door swung open she raised a baseball bat Ready to take on any monster that was in here.

But really the only monster was a weeping one. On the bed, Jessica saw that a person was crying. Jessica slowly walked around the bed and to see that person was her mother, curled up into the fetal position, hugging onto a family picture, as tears fall onto the picture. Picture of vacation to Oceanside Beach, where Julie, Manuel, and Jessica, smiling on the returning waves. Her tears fall on Manuel.