Testing the Waters

It was dawn when Zariel finally emerged from his lab, stretching his little arms and legs, a little happy with himself. Rays of golden light peered through the halls as he made his way toward the kitchen for a quick bite. When a small frown marred his delicate features, he heard unfamiliar voices resonating from the foyer. 

"Girl, might you call the Master of this estate? I heard it was a boy." 

"Sowwy. Stranger Danger," said Aurelia brightly. 

"Tsk, girl." The hoarse voice said. "I am the Castellan of these lands. You are in my city." 

Zariel followed after the voice, catching sight of an unfamiliar man with his arms holding the door ajar as Aurelia tried to slam it shut. 

"Dumb-Dumb bought this house! Fair and Square! It doesn't matter if you're the Castellan!" She argued, ready to call upon her inhuman strength, when Zariel's voice echoed. 

"Aurelia, it's fine." He said, walking down the stairs; he watched Darrian Solvis, followed by three unfamiliar knights, step in. 

"Are you Mr. Malos Blackwater?" Darrian Solvis asked, measuring the silver-haired boy, a little taken back by the core he was sensing in one so young. 

Zariel didn't immediately answer but gestured Aurelia to his side. The little girl trotted behind him, glaring at Darrian. 

"I don't believe I allowed you inside to trek about dirt," Said Zariel, calm as a still lake. He glanced at the filthy boots of two of the knights on either side of Darrian, alongside the one positioned to his rear.

"What's done is done. Do forgive," said Darrian, though the half-smile on his lips did not seem to show much concern. "I heard you purchased this manner yesterday. Might I ask where you got the coin? I find it odd that a child of what? Seven, Six? Whatever to be in possession of such coin.' 

"I am under no obligation to answer you. If you seek to investigate me, send a formal letter to me, and I'll happily comply." 

Darrian, who had been pacing about the foyer, stopped and turned to the boy. "Are you daft, boy? I am the Castillan," he said. "Do you even know what a Castillan is?" 

Zariel didn't dignify him with an answer. "What is it you want?" 

"What I want," said Darrian coldly, "Is this estate. What I want is what was promised to me." He eyed the foyer, taking the whiff of fresh pine that hung through the air. "What I want is for you to sell me this manor. A child like you has no idea the cost it took to remove the…" he sneered, staring daggers at the boy. " I—" 

"You talk a lot." Zariel kindly informed him, a little amazed. "And unless I've broken some law. I've no interest in selling. Now I'll…" He broke off, frowning, as beneath his neck, the gleam of silver hung, threatening to slit his throat. 

Zariel calmly looked at the knight, and a toothish smile branded his lips. As if hell had descended, cracks splintered the windows following the eruption of his spirit seizing everyone where they stood. Dawn might have hung high in the skies, but only darkness seemed to exist as Zariel suddenly began to laugh. Aurelia had the mind to back away when it all vanished like a fleeting dream.

"Look at me… I almost lost control there," Zariel said, brandishing a grin. He pulled the sword away from his neck, letting it fall from the knight's hand, so shaken he couldn't even hold his sword properly. "I'll forgo this transgression this once. However, any further impiety will be met with force. And I assure you, Castillan, I am not one to be judged based on the amount of stars I possess. Now, if you might be so kind, please leave. I'll not ask again." 

Darrian was cold, surprised, and horrified all at the same time but said nothing as he made his way outside. Just in time to see one of his fifth-star knights puke into the lawn. Trembling like a frightened maiden. Darrian himself found that he was covered in a cool film of sweat as if his body felt the threat against his life. 

He gulped.

"Darrian? What the hell are you doing here? And why is that man vomiting." The voice of Sura inquired. 

"Lady Sura," Said Darrian, startled to see her here. "You know Malos Blackwater?" 

Sura studied the sweat complexion of Darrian and his knights. They were all ghastly pale. She glanced solemnly at Quinn. Who reached for his sword on his belt, ready to see what lay within. 

"Wait! Wait! It's not what you think." shouted Darrian. "Malos is fine… I just want to know how you know that monster?" 

Sura's frown deepened. "Monster? He's a bit of a dick. A clean freak, no doubt. But I don't think he's a monster." 

Darrian looked at her like she was the biggest fool. " That monster has the Spirit no human, much less a monster, could possess!" he said hurriedly. " It felt… Azalea's Blade! It felt colder than that damn Dragon." 

"Hey! Dumb-Dumb said leave. What are— Sura!" Aurelia gaped, leaping through the air into the bosom of Sura's chest. "How'd you know we were here?" she asked brightly. 

"Everyone's talking about the man brave enough to buy this manor," Sura said, settling the young girl down to her feet. "I figured it was Malos. So we came to check in. Looks like you're putting the money we gave you to good use." 

"You gave him the money to buy this estate?" Asked Darrian, more confused. 

"It was,' Said Quinn coldly. "Military business. None of your concern, Castellan." 

Darrian, hearing this, was not too pleased. "I see," he muttered, signaling to his knights. "Come on. We are leaving." 

With her two golden eyes glinting beneath the morning light, Aurelia watched them leave one by one. She turned to Sura. "I don't like him." 

"Then you're smarter than most," said Quinn, sneering. "Every time I see that bastard, I feel my hand itch." 

Sura rolled her eyes. "Stop talking like that. You know he's still the castillan." 

"Nothing to do with me," said Quinn indifferently. 

Pulling the two inside to showcase her new home, both Sura and Quinn froze within the foyer, shuddering as the faint trace of Zariel's spirit hung in the air; dark and puggy seemed to cling to the walls and window like dry rot. 

"Gods…" said Sura, looking at Quinn. 

"How many people has this boy killed?" They wondered, looking down when they caught sight of the silver-haired devil looking down at them with a faint smile of amusement. 

"More unwelcome guest." Zariel mused, "Well, I'm nothing if not courteous. Are you hungry? Our maid has made far too much for…" he glanced, looking at Aurelia, grinning triumphantly, and was reminded of her blackhole-like pallet. "What am I saying? She might not have made enough." 

"Genny said she was using Arcane Meat. Whatever that means." 

"Malos!" Shouted Sura harshly, regaining her composure. "You two are far too young to consume Arcane Beast; it'll—" 

"It's up to you if you want to join." Said Zariel, taking his leave. He waved them goodbye uncaringly. 

"Big Sis joined us. Za…I mean, Malos said that since I'm not human, I can eat it." Aurelia hurriedly said. 

"You're not h—"

"We'll join," said Quinn, hardly believing the words leaving his mouth.

Quinn had always been the first to reject invitations to brunch, balls, tea parties, or tournaments. He'd much better things to do than to express false interest in others. Yet the lingering Spirit in the air told him otherwise. 

One's spirit, unless mutated, usually illustrates a person's life and shared experiences. Children who had barely lived tended to carry the sensation of innocence. Soldier's spirits, on the other hand, were dark like the sea beneath the night. 

What he felt from Zariel… words couldn't begin to describe as he took a seat beside Sura across from Zariel and Aurelia. 

"You know I don't swing that way, right?' Zariel casually mentioned, feeling Quinn's fiery gaze. 

Quinn didn't respond. 

When the food of brazed sausage blistering sweet-savory juices, eggs, golden potatoes, mashed with butter and a heavy drizzle of Sharp White Cheddar, Mutton soup, steak, and salmon wet with an amber sheen of Chipotle Honey arrived.

Zariel stared at the fish with horror, " Set that down on this table, and I'll kill you!" He said incredulously, covering his nose so as not to even get a whiff of it. " Damn you, woman! You dare cook fish in my house!" 

Aurelia howled with laughter, throwing her head back as she pointed. "Got you! Every time I see your face when faced with fish, you look pale." 

Genny wanted to cry. She had only done what her lady Aurelia wished. 

"i… i…" 

"I'll eat it, Genny," said Aurelia. 

"The hell you will. Not beside me, you're not," Zariel fired back with a disapproving scowl, glaring at the monstrosity as though it was his greatest Archenemy. 

Again, Aurelia laughed. "But Dumb-Dumb, this particular salmon is known as the Half Moon Salmon due to its—" 

Zariel wasn't having it and moved seven rows down, glaring. 

"I don't care!" 

Sura couldn't hold it back and laughed. "You two are so silly."