Special Instructor III

"It was a clean break," Madam Yula Kloss reported from within her medical ward. "Never seen anything like it. I've given Mr.Wyve a stimulant. He should be fine in about twenty minutes." She lifted her old, seamed face towards the Headmaster and asked, "What happened to him?"

"He challenged Malos Blackwater," said Professor Vortis grimly. "We told him to accept. Told him to set a precedent. We… we… we never thought he'd ruthlessly snap a student's neck." his fingers curled into fists.

"If Hell were a person, it would be Dumb-Dumb," the Headmaster muttered, recalling the words of warning. He tugged at his beard, soothing it beneath his callused hands. "We shouldn't have ignored her because of her age. She's more aware of his nature than we are." 

Madam Kloss frowned at the news. "Are you saying the new Professor… broke this student's neck? Augustine, you old fool. Did you even vet this Monster?"

The Headmaster had the grace to blush. "We did everything we could to research his background, but things are bound to slip through the cracks." 

"He paralyzed the boy, Augustine. " Madam Kloss rebutted. "A child no more than ten. Azalea, please bless that poor child." with a bitter sigh, she shook her head. "I'll go inform the parents. But please instruct Professor Blackwater that such cruelty cannot be tolerated." 

"I, a Ninth Star, could not even react to such sorcery. I ought to be ashamed of myself." The Headmaster told himself, staring down at Harold's sleeping face. He was grateful for the boy's luck. More than that, he was grateful for Zariel's skill execution. The slightest mistake and it might have all ended. 

"Aurelia… let's question her," said Professor Vortis calmly. "She might know how we might better handle Malos." 

"That could make things… complicated, to say the least." 

"He broke a ten-year-old's neck, nearly paralyzing him for life, sir. How much complicated can things get?" Said Professor Vortis grimly. 


"Greetings. I am Professor Devan Sylvain, your abjuration instructor for the next few years, " said a young man with long black hair. He appeared to be in his mid-twenties, carrying himself in a black suit. Tall, with soft, delicate features, he appeared all the more radiant. "Now, if you'd be so kind. I'd love for each of you young men and women to introduce yourself." 

Byleth Silen was the first to go, raising his prideful head to speak, followed by Rex Tigor, alongside a few new faces.

Aurelia felt the entire matter was strange. She'd never introduced herself in such a setting. Still, when it was her turn, the words seamlessly slipped from her lips before Zyila went next. 

"Good job!" Said Professor Sylvain. "Who knew so many of you were so articulate? Your parents must be proud." 

Boys and girls beamed, leaving Aurelia tilting her head at the friendliness. The feeling was foreign. Zariel had rarely portrayed the traditional ambility towards her. Rather, he was cold, his lesson usually revolving around trial and error, usually causing great injury to her body. 

'As sentient beings, we learn through lived experiences. So unless a spell is sure to kill you, I will not stop it from backfiring. I will engrave the sensation of failure into your soul so that you may learn." He'd said during their first lesson on Evocation. 

Aurelia had learned dearly, nearly combusting into fire when one of her spells failed. But the taste of death on her breath had been something she'd never forget. 

All magic is as destructive as the intent behind it. 

By the end of her first class, Aurelia felt somewhat lost. She had enjoyed the lesson without question but held no significant knowledge Zariel had not instilled in her and more. It had been the same for her last class, Concepts of Arcana, by Professor Avara. 

It was dull, without the level of innovation in which Zariel taught. There wasn't a need to think, a need to consider possibilities. It was all so easy, so simple. Aurela felt bored for the first time in a long time. 

"Miss Aurelia," said Professar Avara. "Can you explain why Arcana takes on the properties of elements so easily?" 

"Because it lacks intent," Aurelia answered, startling the professor, who had only meant to engage the student. "As living creatures, we all carry intent. A sense of purpose in our everyday life. People like us, kids, possess less willpower than adults, which typically tends to allow us to learn faster or at least easier than it would, let's say, an adult. It's the same with Arcana. Since they don't have intent, they tend to mirror their environment. A good example would be water. The boiling point of water is 212 degrees (100 C); however, if you add arcana into the mix, the bonds that connect the molecules are strengthened, allowing you to increase the temperature past 212 degrees without turning water into a vaper."

"... That is correct… on every level," said Professor Avara, a little shaken. 

The class all gaped, with one of them raising their hands. "Umm, professor, then does that mean water can potentially be as hot as fire or cold as ice without it freezing?" 

Professor Avara forced herself to nod, "Why yes, I suppose that is correct. However, that is easier said than done. And it's why when you create lightning with a lightning spell, it's weaker than normal lightning one would find in the skies." 

 "When one creates lightning, most formulas tend to use the basic measurements of electrical charges and push arcana into them to boost its properties. That is also why when sometimes you create fire with a spell, it's cooler than natural fire." Aurelia cut in, propping her head up showing off a bit of her knowledge. 

"Wow! Aurelia, you're so smart!" Kura exclaimed. 

Zyila nodded, "Lord Blackwater must have taught you a lot!" 

'Hehe, Dumb-Dumb taught Aurelia everything," she said, nodding triumphantly when a sudden knock echoed from the door. 

Professor Avara hurried to the door, spoke with Student Aid, and nodded before turning to the golden-eyed girl. "Aurelia, the Headmaster would like a word." 

"Mr. Beardy?" She tilted her head, standing up from her chair. 

With a flick to the air, Aurelia felt a bolt of arcana hit against her head, nearly knocking her down. 


"It's Headmaster. Not Mr. Beardy." scolded the professor. 

Again, the class laughed, though not for long, as Avara's serious gaze turned fiery. "

"Hurry along, girl, and come back if it's not too late." 

Aurelia obeyed, leaving the hall. She followed after the Student aid, a little grateful. If he wasn't here, then she feared she might have gotten lost. 

By the time she arrived, the door was open, revealing the smiling old man. He gestured the Student aid away and beckoned Aurelia inside before a table full of cookies and cake. 

"Have some sweet, sweetheart." 

The little girl's eyes sparkled and, like a savage lion, began to eat away without a hint of shame. 

The headmaster laughed. "I see you like it?"

"Umm!" Aurelia nodded with a mouthful of chocolate cake.

"Good. Well. I guess you're wondering why I've called you in?" 

"It's about dumb-dumb, right? Because he broke that kid's neck, right? Hehe. I did warn you all, but no one listened." 

 Augustine coughed into his palm. "That you did. Then, is there any other thing you be willing to tell us?" 

"Dumb-Dumb likes being clean. Extremely clean. A mere touch can land you in bed for a few days or worse. Dumb-Dumb also struggles to hold back… well, not really. His control is so precise it'll seem like he's trying to kill you, but in truth, it'll only hurt really bad." 

'What the fuck!' Augustine thought. 

"Does he ever break bones?" 

"All the time. But Aurelia heals by the next day. So it's not so bad." 


'Oh! One time, in order to teach me how to use Feather Foot under stressful situations, he tossed me hundreds of meters into the air and said, " Don't die." hehe, that was fun." 

"Aurelia, you realize that isn't normal, right?" 

Just then, a strange sharpness glinted off her golden eyes, startling the Headmaster. He could feel her Spirit lash out from her soul, pressuring the air. 

"Dumb-Dumb never hurts Aurelia with the intention of maliciously harming her. He is kind and warm." 

"But cruel." 

"So is the world." 

There was a cruel realization in Augustine's mind when he saw the waves of sorrow in the girl's eyes. 

"Mother and Father abandoned me in the forest for months… a year, I think. For weeks, I went without food. Sometimes months. Za… Dumb-Dumb was the only one to help me out. The only one to show me how to fight. To show me how to care for myself." She looked at him with a fire of pride in her eyes. "He gave Aurelia everything. So no. I don't think he is cruel. I think he is preparing me for the future." 

Augustine thought for a bit. "Then how do we stop him from doing what he did?" 

"It's only a broken neck. Nothing big." 

"I fear to ask why you even know that. But here at Trinity, breaking someone's neck is too harsh a punishment." 

"Tsk…. what about cracking someone's skull?" 

"Are you asking for him or you?" 

Aurelia's cheeks heated up, feeling like she was caught. "Both… maybe." 

With a long breath, Augustine Wight felt his duty as an adult take over as he began explaining the basics of kindness and mercy to the young girl.

By the time Aurelia left, there was only a single thought in the old man's mind. 

'These next few years are going to be chaotic.'