
"A ball? Pass. I don't dance." 

Aurelia folded her arms. "I'm not asking you to dance but to escort me to the ball." 

"Did you hurt your ankle?"—Zariel tilted his head—"You don't look hurt. Why do you need me?" 

"I don't necessarily need you… But you'll be the only one there that I really like." 

"And you're going, why?" 

"Professor Avara said that all first-years must partake. I don't have a choice. Plus, it could be fun."

"From experience, it never is… The last time I went to a Ball, my brother ended up planting his seed in the host's first wife. Furious, the man had the gall to attack my brother, who promptly skewed him onto the wall, creating quite a disturbance." 

"Wow… he killed him?"