Colosseum IV

Amidst the overwhelming excitement, Aurelia clutched Morningstar, her heart thumping against her ribcage. The thrill of the moment overpowered any hint of anxiety that might have been lurking in the depths of her mind. She eagerly counted the seconds, the minutes, as they ticked away. 

A knock sounded from her chamber door, "Number Twenty-One, are you ready?" 

"Yes," she exclaimed, her excitement bubbling over. She swung open the door, catching the Quarter Master off guard with her presence. 

"What in the world? What's a child like you doing here? Are you safe, little one?" He asked, his eyes scanning the room for an adult. "Where the hell is number Twenty-one?" 

"Das me!" Aurelia voiced, lifting her number card. She showed it to the quartermaster, snickering to herself as if to say, 'Praise Aurelia!' 

"Kid… are you serious? What type of joke is this? Are you a slave?" The Quarter Master had to ask.