Beast Tide III

A/N: Slightly Dark Chapter

The once clear blue skies that stretched above them were now filled with the sound of dreadful screams and the haunting wails of mercy that had all fallen on deaf ears. The soldier's raw emotions had consumed him, leaving him writhing in agony. A red-hot rage blinded Aurelia. 

Since the first day they met, there was something about Yenna that made her uneasy. Her piercing gaze seemed to linger a little too long, and her smile never quite reached her eyes. As time passed, she couldn't shake the feeling that Yenna was up to something. On occasion, she noticed Yenna casting furtive glances towards her Morningstar. It was as if she was sizing it up, considering how she might get her hands on it. 

Still, she was a servant of her house. A maid serving directly beneath her command. To disrespect her or harm Yenna in any form would be to bring dishonor they'd manage to build over the years.