The Eternal Prison

As the morning sun began to rise, Aurelia opened her eyes to find Zariel engulfed in a dense aura of Arcana that lingered lifelessly through Heaven and Earth. He sat motionless in the lotus position, with his legs crossed and his hands rested on his knees. His eyes were closed, and his face was calm, as though he were in a state of deep meditation. The mist of Arcana that surrounded him glowed with an ethereal flame, casting a soft light in the otherwise dark forest. Aurelia could feel the power emanating from Zariel as if he were tapping into a source of otherworldly energy. 

Aurelia's drowsiness began to dissipate; she let out a long yawn and gently rubbed her eyes. She then tilted her head upwards and felt a wave of invigoration surge through her entire being, bringing with it a newfound sense of awareness. It was as if every corner of her mind, body, and soul had been reignited, infusing her with a fresh burst of life.