Assassins I

Tiamat tilted her head, her measured stare surveying the little girl in her entirety. Gleaming a particular insight beneath the mysterious air shrouding the golden-eyed girl, smiling awkwardly back at her.

The more Tiamat saw, the more she smiled. It was as if the very Concepts of Heaven and Earth had woven themselves from dreams to breed into existence. Laws that remain fractured within the Twelve Realms seemed fully realized. 

"Beyond Heaven's End indeed," Tiamat whispered, her words reaching Aurelia's small ears. 

Heaven's End, the unobservable boundary that separated the Fifth Dimensional Space from the infinitely higher dimensions. 

It had been the principal dream of every Chaos Lord to break through Heaven's End. To exist beyond their Fourth Dimensional Space and ascend through the thirty-three heavens and beyond.