Stigma Of The Black Heavens IV

The hour Tyler had awoken, he found himself in a vat filled with an emerald viscous liquid; a swelter of pain flared across his face as he screamed. It had been unknown where the oxygen within his lung had come from as there hadn't been any signs of a respirator placed on him. 

Yet his cry seemed almost primal as he clutched his face. 

"It would seem he's awake," said Adelram coolly. Around him, his team of doctors and scientists is working around the clock. "I was afraid the damage might have been too much." He watched as Tyler wailed, his fingers digging into his scorched flesh. "Give him a sedative. We've confirmed sentience." 

Doctor Lian Tof obeyed, hurrying forward, injecting a mild sedative into the vat via the various tubes connecting from below. She turned to Adelram and said, "Subject 11-6B is quite the specimen, my Lord. Is he to be a Dragoon? "