The Isle of Vatar I

The following day, as Zariel finally made it to class after his long absence, a new face greeted him, way in the back. He'd been about to inquire when the ripple of applause shook the classroom. One by one, the students, common born and nobile, rose to congratulate him on his recovery. 

Zariel, raising a palm aloofly, accepted the applause, signaling for them to sit back down. He measured a smile, "I didn't realize I was so belove or was my substitute that bad." 

The student faces flushed. 

"Now then. The Isle of Vatar. We were supposed to leave two weeks ago. But due to my absence, the headmaster pushed it back until the day I recovered." —The Students nodded— "I've already spoken with the Headmaster, and an Airship has already been fueled and prepared for departure."