Atrium I

As the doors to the bridge opened, Zariel stepped in, making a quick note of the twelve instructors huddling gathered around an arcane shard projecting fifteen images of the students preparing to depart into the Isle of Vatar. The small, immature faces of the students all held a look of concern and excitement as they began arming themselves witht the weapons Trinity provided. 

"Malos," Said Professor Ivan Tataline. "I see you bothered to join us. You're late." 

"I fail to see how that is my problem," Zariel said, finding a spot between Avara and Lupin. "I was informing my students on their assignments." 

"The assignment will be explained by the Headmaster," Ivan protested with emphasis. 

"Perhaps his assignment. I've given my students another task." 

Ivan snorted. "Children, these days, have no sense of time."