Void and Khaos

Zariel gargled on air, panting as he reached the Void of Khaos in his mind. A great circle that at times seemed more of a sphere arose within his mind, burning silvery flames around the edges like a ring on fire. 

He shuddered, and that strange Void shattered. Uncertain what he saw. The pain and torment lashed across his mind and body to strip him of thought. A pain that left his throat hoarse and his eyes made to bleed.

For about an hour, he slumped there until the pain subsided. This time, when he reached for the Void, the ring of flames did not return. It quelled the last regiments of pain scattered through his body, rendering the mind into a cool Void of thought. 

Thought. Zariel looked down at his hand. That had not been the way of the Void of Khaos. One did not merely have thoughts but a will that would remain within the Void. If thoughts could enter, then…

If he could shudder, he might have, but the Void did not allow such emotions.