they came from below

1 week later in the afternoon

Not far from a certain mansion two people were having a conversation " I think it may be time to act it seems they won't be back anytime soon we should move before that happens " a human male said to his cloaked partner holding a telescope looking at a group of kids playing in a courtyard while they're parents watched nearby in that group of kids you could see one had wings

" your right we should strike now while it's clear tell the men to get ready and leave nobody alive except a couple children they will fetch a nice price on the market remember we are here to send a message no one can mess with our operations and get away with it " the man smiled before jumping of the roof they were on into an ally nearby

Above far beyond were they could see a beautiful bird was watching them as they disappeared into the alley before diving towards the mansion

Looking around birna sighed " it's sad to see so many leave after finding a safe place " she said to one of her friends next to her " can you blame them " her friend replied shaking her head

then looked towards the entrance of the courtyard after hearing the gates swing open ' strange there isn't a breeze ' birna thought as her spine tingled causing her gems to glow a light purple quickly she called for the kids to come closer

When frida, Emily and a couple others started getting closer to the mansion a glimer of light suddenly flashed close by with it followed a splatter of blood and a fallen body

Screaming the kids ran towards the adults

" get everyone inside " a voice whispered to birna although she couldn't see who spoke she recognized it as lazza's voice without anymore questions she rounded up everyone and got inside

A heavy aura permeated the air of the courtyard as the only thing that can be seen was the dead body of a black hooded figure

' what the hells happened ' the leader of the group though as they silently opened a vile near there chest letting a sweet scent fill the air so there subordinates know to regroup

" you know it's not smart to give yourself away when your already on the losing side "

leaping back after slashing quickly with a dagger where the voice came from nearby the leader studied the area " nice try you almost got me "

slightly irritated the leader hissed " who are you no one should be here besides the women, kids and a couple maids "

lazza laughed at what she was hearing

" I should be asking you the same thing "

In the sky a screech could be heard before a blinding ball of light full of colors drowns out the sun for the people in the courtyard

momentarily blinding everyone and making them become visible " so it was true the maids that work here really are goblins how " the leader said looking at the three goblins dressed as maids appeared in front of them finally getting a good look at what was attacking then

ignoring the question lazza gave them a simple decision " leave or die"

" I wanted to do this quick and quiet but that can't happen now... kill them dont worry about the building " the hodded figure said looking at their subordinates

" I was hoping I'd get to burn this place down " one of the figures said stepped forward as heat was gathering around them but they never got finish using their element because a blade of wind sharp as a razor suddenly cut him in half

Confused the leader turned around to see a lizard-man at the entrance " sorry to interrupt but I have been itching for a fight thought you could use the help "

lazza looked at the lizard-man as another cloaked figure dropped dead from a slit throat " I don't think we need it but thanks" looking at there dead colleague the leader tried to understand what happened " how " was all they could say

Tiny Runes glowed below lazza causing her and the other two maids beside her to disappear

" this is how the entire mansion is filled with these runes spread out everywere " upon hearing this the leader of the group realized they messed up bad basically walking there people into a ambush

After a bit of a struggle the group of would be murders were all killed

becoming visible again lazza walked towards the lizard-man" thanks for the help ka'zeck but why are you back I told you my king isn't here"

" that was a week ago I was hoping he would be back now " ka'zeck answered

sighing lazza turned around heading towards the mansion " come back in a few weeks like I said last time he maybe back then " ka'zeck's eyes stayed on lazza as she entered the mansion before turning away himself his tail flicking to the side

In a distant location a man observed the entire conflict on a floating screen made of light " Hmmm... it seems they are more capable then I thought " suddenly a screech came through the screen before going dark

" and more observant but I won't let this slight against me go you will feel my wrath one way or another "


2 weeks after the mansion attack

Deep Inside the mountain in a place long forgotten by this world and it's people with giant tube's shattered with long dryer up liquid staining it while all-round random lights would flicker of and on, from panels and screens decayed beyond recognition

a gigantic creature finally stirred opening its draconian eye for the first time in uncountable decades " it's finally time I will be free of this place and kill those creations with their creators finally my revenge has come you all though you could lock me away too rot but you all aren't the only ones who can make beings to do their bidding "

Standing up slowly as dust and all manner of things fell of it's beaten-decaying body spreading its half rotted wings it let out a mighty roar shaking the entire mountain before making it's way out of the prison that has long since held it

Above back on the wall of the last fortress keeping the creature imprisoned the wardens prepare to face it's minions


Orders could be heard around me as I stood on the edge of the wall watching as the blockade we made at the tunnel entrance was slowly cracking ' geez they don't give in whats the point in attacking if you're just going to retreat every time ' just as I finished that thought roak came over to me

" don't go charging out this time just focus on defense and long range attacks they won't want to pass over the crystals anyway " nodding I looked over at James who was cleaning his rifle out as roak walked off to make sure the soldiers were ready and know there positions " did you switch ammo" I asked james

nodding he pulled out a magazine from a pouch nearby " yeah Liam gave me some new types to use they should pack a nice punch " smiling I turned towards Elise who was with a couple of the other warden commanders talking about were the best positions to be reinforced and supported by her elements were feeling my gaze she smiled at me quickly before focusing on what she was doing again

At that moment a ear-splitting roar shook the entire fortress causing everything to shake even some of the ice on the wall to crack

on a reflex I created a pocket of silence for me and those nearby after a few seconds the roar finally died down and even though I didn't really hear it I was still a bit concussed lucky I was able to cover James and a couple of the wardens

looking towards were Elise was I saw a Ice dome with multiple layers open up to reveal her and a few others they were holding there heads seeming to have still gotten hit hard despite the dome " what the hells was that " I ask roak as we still were coming too he just shook his head indicating he didn't know

A sound like glass breaking was could be heard at that moment looking towards the tunnel I saw the baracade we built shatter revealing a dark-swarm army ' shit they didn't come to play this time' grabbing roak I turned him towards the tunnel causing his eyes to go wide before running off to help get everyone's attention on it going over to James then Elise I did the same with them I didn't talk because I didn't want to hurt their ears more if the were already sensitive plus it was bit hard to due to a few screaming from being injured like they were

Eventually those who were able to got it together only too be met with another roar but this one wasn't nearly as loud more like a annoying ringing in your ears looking towards the tunnel I saw a small creature with its mouth opened as I was trying to figure out what it was doing another sound of glass breaking could be heard but this time it wasn't ice it was all the crystals around the cavern shattering making the entire cavern dim slightly " well that's really not good"