no rest for the wicked

When I opened my eyes again I realized I was laying down because I was staring at a stone ceiling feeling pressure on my shoulder I looked to my side Elise was hunched over in a chair leaning on me asleep she was covered up by a blanket and still naked at least from what I can tell

Smiling I nuzzled her cheek feeling me she started to wake up nuzzling me back affectionately " your finally awake " kissing her I smiled " of course you know it takes a lot to get " sitting up Elise gave me that look

" you've been asleep for a week and you would have died if I didn't stay by you side helping your body through the poison hells if your body was like our I wouldn't even have been able to save you " Elise said annoyed yelling the last part with tears ready to spill from her eyes " why don't you ever think of yourself more what would I have told our daughter if you had died here"

Sitting up I pulled her close putting our forehead together " I'm sorry my love it's just what I thought was best in the moment " pulling away she wiped the tears gone " you keep saying that but you don't try to find a different way other then throwing yourself head first into something dangerous "

At that moment the door slid open revealing the Dwarven king " is this a bad time " covering herself completely Elise shook her head " no it's fine we were just having a discussion what do you need your highness "

coughing awkwardly the king turned towards me " i want to thank you for what you did here because of you we didn't lose another chunk of wardens and for the first time since this war started the wardens have the upper hand " smiling I quickly looked at Elise

" you'll have to thank her for the last part she killed the dragon "

" O I heard about that to think the young elf I once knew has become a mighty dragoness" embarrassed Elise looked away she didn't know how she changed her body acted " but that's not why I'm really here " reaching into his pocket he pulled out a letter sealed by a green and yellow gem " as the king of the Dwarven kingdom I personally invite you to a celebration in your name too officially name you a noble of the kingdom "

The king got confused when I didn't take the letter from him " .....I can't move my arms " shaking her head Elise got up grabbing the letter and bowing " thank you this will be a great honor for our family " satisfied the king turned to leave he had many more things to get done today " don't forget to come up with a family crest have the design sent to the palace so i can get it made " the Dwarven king said as the door opened before stepping out

Elise stood up to leave as well putting the letter on my lap " I'm going to get some clothes and check on James " before I could ask her what happened she was already out the room sighing I laid back down closing my eyes

" you should really be grateful for her when the healers couldn't help and thought you dead she stayed doing what she could to save you until it exhausted her and you got better " reaching to the side of the bed I started petting shadow " I know...she is too good for me " I continued petting shadow lost in my thoughts

" can you go to her make sure nobody tries anything since she is naked I'll be fine " i eventually asked shadow without saying anything he disappeared closing my eyes I let my mind drift until I feel asleep

A few hours later I woke up to the humming of a soft sweet elven song I heard Elise sing once " practicing for our kids " I teased her sitting up " yes actually it's a song past down in my family I want the kids to at least know it" after that we sat in silence for a minute

" I'm sorry Elise I just...I don't know " shaking her head she got up to sit on the bed next to me " my love I know your reckless, weird and have an anger I wish I could rid you of but that not what irritates or makes me scared it's losing you before your time...before our time " she said turning to look me in the eye

" if you promise me to always return to me no matter what I'll let it go" steeling myself i looked back into her eyes with determination " always I promise nothing will ever keep me from coming back to you not even death himself " satisfied we sealed the promise with a kiss

" I'll hold you too it " Elise said laying down with me for the next hour we cuddled until I felt good enough to move around after going to the bathroom we left the room to go see James he was only a couple rooms over from me

" damn that hurts " I heard James say as we walked in he was doing some stretches turning to us he smiled " forgive me for not bowing but my rips are still healing " curious I asked him what happened " I got hit by some debris from one of those thrown rocks it broke a few of my ribs "

" damn glad you're mostly alright " I said as Elise and I sat in some chairs nearby to talk for the next few minutes we just relaxed trying to recover before deciding that we should head back home since the celebration will happen soon

A couple hours later Elise, James and I were on the street leading to the mansion with some human and Dwarves walking around us " can't wait to see our little girl I really missed her " Elise said almost running towards the mansion " me too " I agreed with her kissing the back of her hand which was holding mine As the mansion grew near we heard a screech

Icarus landed on my shoulder in her smaller form rubbing her beak on my cheek " yeah I missed you too " I said chuckling a few minutes after icarus landed a blue bolt struck Elise luckily I was already holding onto her so she didn't get knocked over

" momma,papa " I heard Emily yell clinging to Elise happy that we were back when she was done hugging Elise she bolted to me doing the same

" welcome back my king and queen " lazza said greetings us in front of the courtyards entrance behind her on both side of the gate a line of maids stood bowing as we entered

' they are certainly ones for presentation I like it '

" thank you lazza hope everything was well while we were gone " a little hesitant she asked to speak with me later nodding i continued inside following closing by lazza looked at James with concern after noticing he was moving a bit stiffly " what happened " James shook his head " isn't nothing i will be fine " even though she nodded her eyes didn't leave him for to long

When we got Inside to the dining table Elise and I gathered everyone before explaining what happened and why we left leaving out the whole secret war part " so you will officially be giving a title and land " birna asked after hearing the last bit " yes that's correct " Elise answered for me Seeing my confusion in these matters

" what does this mean for the rest of us here " one of the other people I saved spoke up as others whispered amongst themselves " I don't see why anything thing needs to change I already see you all as my people

Be anyone could ask another question lightning started coming off me while I started to feel the familiar pull from one of the coins Liam made for me " remember my promise I love you " I said to Elise seeing her worried face before disappearing not able to it hold back any longer

' in hindsight maybe having a coin that forcibly pulls me to it's location wasn't the best idea ' I thought with light returning to my eyes I quickly looked around while time was paused to get my bearings

I was on a big road surrounded by trees sandwiched between two forces one human the other elven ' what's going on am I right outside the elves capital ' snapping my fingers for time to resume I looked towards the king (Elise's father) who was nearby for a explanation " I'm sorry my hands are tied with this one "

" good that little coin did summon you like a dog waiting to do it's masters bidding " Hearing that familiar voice my eye twitched

" its for emergencies so the people I care about can reach me if they need to asshole I doubt you know anything about that since no one has ever needed you your entire life"

" I'm going to enjoy this I Eliot Wilfred invoke the right of élkta for Elise murdan " confused I again looked at the king " it's a barbaric law from the old era if two were to be bound too the same elf one can challenge the other to a fight whoever wins get to be with there partner the other dies" my mouth hung open for a sec before I closed it I was even going to ask him how we got to this point but I had good idea

Shaking my head I turned towards the prince " i ghost accept your challenge " once those words left my mouth I felt a bit of mana get sucked away from me between the prince and I a magic circle appeared I was only able to recognize half of it as mine

A rift was torn open and a giant veiled lady dressed in white and black with a pair of leather wings stepped out " was this not suppose to happen" I asked the king seeing him shocked " it was it's just you have to use you real name for it to work "

" ghost is my real name... at least to me " I said smiling