sail away

The next day I stood not far away from Emily room try to figure out why she locked herself on her room Elise went yesterday to talk to her but she didn't get much out of her

" all we can do is wait tell she is ready to talk " Elise said next to me " i guess your right " I walked towards the door to knock on it but at that moment it swung open and a person walked out

It wasn't the little girl I was use too but a young lady that looked just like her just a bit older " Emily " I asked not sure what I was looking at

Hearing me she looked towards us " morning papa" I was having a hard time believing what I was seeing ' why does my daughter look like a ten year old now she was fine yesterday "

Emily was taller now coming up to my chest her hair was longer the scales covering some of her exposed skin seemed to be more vibrant her chest was starting to get filled out

Didn't know what to do or feel right now seeing my daughter suddenly grow up Elise beside me had a similar shocked face on before tearing up walking towards Emily taking pulling her to her chest crying " why..." was all she said

Emily buried her face in her mother's chest

" im sorry mama I just didn't want to be left behind the way he looks at them is different maybe now he will finally see me how I want him too " Emily's voice cracked a couple times as she talked

I was confused what she was talking about but Elise seemed to know " I understand but your still a child a infant even your barley a year old and when you rush to grow up like this just to be with someone your not only hurting yourself by not getting a chance to full understand the world " she made Emily look up at her who had tears in her eyes as well

" your also hurting us by taking away our chance to watch you grow up and that hurts worse then any wound I have ever received... promise me you won't do this again I have already missed enough of your life"

Emily's hug tightened " I promise mama,I promise please forgive me " while they kept embracing I walked to the other side of Elise joining them honestly there was anything for me to say Elise had expressed it all already

Eventually we broke apart with tears still in our eyes " we love you little one and always will " I said trying to cheer her up a bit

" I love you too you two are the best parents I could ask for " Hearing that warmed my heart because I know I haven't always been the best

" this going to be weird explaining to people " and just like I thought everyone took it in various ways but in the end they accepted it and moved on with their day most already knew what Emily was

it was jarring for them but at least they were able to move on from it given a little time

A few days later

I was walking down a somewhat flimsy dock were a medium sized boat with a singular sail was anchored Elise and emily stayed off the dock not wanting to push it's stability Selena was next to me holding the map I got from wolfgar she would be making sure I reached the correct destination

On the boat stood a black haired man with blue eyes he was walking around the boat making sure everything was in order it was Alistair he was the one keeping everyone alive by fishing for them before we arrived here

Apparently he was a ex-captin in the human kingdoms navy he stole the boat ending up her with daughter that had happened a few years ago now he didn't explain how or why that happened I got the impression he didn't want to talk about it so I didn't push it

Seeing us walking to the boat Alistair quickly finished what he was doing then moved a ramp to the dock so we can board

" welcome my lord " he looked at Selena with curiosity she still hasn't been here long so he didn't really know he " this is Selena another of my commanders she will accompany me to make sure I reach the right destination. "

" Alis~tair " the voice we heard sounded slightly horse with a slight hiss too it looking over we saw a female lizard-man standing at the dock looking at it warily not sure if she should go on it

Although the lizard-man could speak the common language they still spoke it a little funny properly because of their anatomy

Alistair smiled but then looked at me as if asking for permission " go ahead don't let me stop you " Alistair jumped of the boat

Making me wonder how the dock is still holding up as he practically ran to his lizard lover it made me happy to see them so loving with each other

This is what I wanted for my people not to be bothered by ethnicity and race and just come together as one

" I'll mis~s you every...s~econd your gone." Alistair chuckled Hearing her he really liked the way she talked she frowned slapping his side with her tail lightly

" hey I'm not laughing at you...your just to cute opa I'm going to miss you too " Alistair seemed to hesitate for a moment before adding

" could try to keep a eye on my daughter while I'm away please the other villagers will help take care of her but it would put my heart at ease knowing you were too" opa looked away then nodded " you know she does~n't like me and the villagers dont trus~t me...but for you I will."

" thank you,thank you so much opa" they embraced for a minute before breaking apart " one more thing take this~" she handed him a effigy I saw in the elders hut when I went to their village " it's in the shape of our goddess it will bring you good luck on your travel "

Alistair nodded " thank you I'll treasure it and always keep it with me " with that opa smiled stepping back

Alistair turned around heading back to the boat when he got on board he went straight to the little cabin it had probably to place the charm she gave him down somewhere safe

When he came back out he did the final preparation before setting sail Selena and I helped him doing what he needed help with

Within a hour we were slowly moving away from the dock towards open water looking back towards the shore Elise Emily and opa weren't the only ones there anymore the whole town came out to see us off their were even a couple lizard-man beside opa

I wasn't sure how to feel I didn't think they all cared so much 'they don't it's called manipulation '

" can't you just shut up for once so I can enjoy a good thing!" I said this out loud without realizing it Selena and Alistair looked at each other awkwardly looking I scratched the back of my head " sorry I wasn't talking to you two "

That just left them more confused I wasn't sure how to explain myself so I just teleported to Elise who was a little shocked to see me appear " is someth- " I cut her off with a kiss

" thanks for seeing me off I'll be back soon " I whispered nodding she pulled back gently pushing me to leave smiling I teleported back to the boat

But to my surprise I didn't land on my feet looking around I noticed I was a little off from where I wanted to be ' huh...what' I stayed on my ass mystified until Alistair helped me up

" what happened there " I looked at Selena shaking my head

" I'm not sure..." maybe the runes on the side of the boat that helped it cut through the water were responsible somehow I wasn't sure

I decided to let it go and not teleport around while I'm at sea for now

" well this should be fun " Selena seemed excited about being at sea which was a shock considering her feline traits

Going to the edge of the boat I waved back to everyone as we got further away it was a bit strange

Eventually we got far enough away from the shore that everyone looked like ants at least to me and Alistair Selena could still see them just fine " I hope this doesn't take to long" Sighing I watched as the clear water rush past the boat faster then you would think for a sail boat thanks to the runes on its side

Selena was doing the same as me but seemed like she was looking into the water not at it ' I guess that trait is still there ' I thought making me chuckle