Chapter 23: Boss Floor


After delivering the final blow to an earth slime, Sol quickly kicked it up and used [Siphon] on it.

[Physical Resistance] leveled up! (7 -> 8)

[Mana Perception] leveled up! (5 -> 6)

"Phew, these slimes gave surprisingly good skills."

When Sol first entered the 4th floor and saw the earth slimes, he found it weird that they were on a later floor. However, this variant of slime had solid defense that required at least four sword attacks and could even manipulate rocks, launching them at fast speeds. He would have grabbed the skill that allowed him to control rocks if he could, but it was a talent skill, unfortunately. That didn't mean he wasn't happy with [Mana Perception] as this was a skill he was sorely lacking.

[Mana Perception] Lv 6: Can perceive the mana around you. Range: 30 meters.

While the description was rather short, it allowed Sol to see mana, which is usually invisible to most people. Since slimes don't have eyes, this is the way they perceive their surroundings. What is especially useful is being able to see other people and monsters, as they contain dense mana in their bodies, making it easy to spot and prevent being surprised.

Sol also started using magic more often in his fights using his wind and fire magic, as this dungeon featured a lot of creatures with [Physical Resistance], making them slightly harder to kill.

'While I could keep killing these slimes, they are too easy, and I could gain more experience and levels if I delve deeper.'

So far, the strongest monster Sol has encountered were these slimes ranging around level 18. To gain more experience that can significantly increase his leveling speed, he should go deeper. Though, to do that, Sol must first beat the 5th floor boss.

On the 5th floor, there exists only a single passage and a doorway; upon crossing it, one is transported to one of the many separate rooms on that floor and must defeat the boss inside. On the bright side, once complete on the entrance of the 6th floor, there is a teleport circle that can take one back and forth to the main entrance.

'The later floors, the enemies are around level 30, and with my abilities, I believe I can take them on. The boss should also not be an issue.'

Heading to the next floor, Sol confidently passed through the gate and was taken to a long room that looked like the bottom of a canyon. The walls had different-colored layers all the way up to the roof, which had the glowing rock much bigger than the ones he had normally seen in this dungeon. It shone brightly like the sun down on Sol with the heat making sweat form on his forehead.

There is one other being in this room with him. A giant monster the size of an ogre with hard brown skin with cracks throughout that show yellow lines throughout its body. It had no weapon but was wearing a belt with many teeth and bones hanging off it like trophies.

Sol used [Analysis] on it.

Name: Firma-Ter

Race: Earth Giant

Talents: [Terraformer], [Mighty]

Level: 20

HP: 1050

MP: 250

Str: 100 (+20)

Vit: 95 (+10)

Agi: 30

Int: 30

Wis: 25

Talent Skills:

[Landslide] Lv 5

Passive Skills:

[Intermediate Unarmed Mastery] Lv 2, [Strength Up] Lv 4, [Vitality Up] Lv 2, [Physical Resistance] Lv 5

Active Skills:

[Harden] Lv 5, [Rock Buster] Lv 4, [Earth Wall] Lv 4, [Rock Throw] Lv 6

'120 strength?! While I can use [Harden], [Parry], and [Physical Resistance] to mitigate the damage that will definitely hurt a lot. It also has [Intermediate Unarmed Mastery] multiplying its damage…'

"I just have to not get hit then, right? Make the wind move in my favor, [Tailwind]!"

Casting a spell to be more agile, he ran towards the Earth Giant.

Seeing the tiny human approach, it roared and threw a nearby rock at Sol. It traveled frighteningly quickly, but Sol was more than fast enough to dodge out of the way and combined [Sprint] and [Leap] to close the distance.

Now within melee range, Sol used his strongest attack, [Cross Slash]. Hoping it did a lot of damage, Sol quickly checked the Earth Giant's HP.

HP: 982/1050

'That did almost nothing… It is simply too strong against physical attacks.'

Sol then jumped back, and a fist slammed where he was just standing.

"Alright then, let's try this then. Burn my foe to cinders, [Fireball]!"

A sphere of fire then flew and landed directly on the stomach of the Earth Giant.

Checking the HP once again, Sol saw the difference in attacks.

HP: 903/1050

'The number was just barely higher. If my intelligence was higher, this wouldn't be an issue…'

While magic is much more effective on the Earth Giant, with his pitifully low intelligence stat, even if he is using a powerful spell, there is only so much damage it can do.

While formulating the ideal strategy, Sol sidestepped as a large rock landed right beside him. The Earth Giant roared in anger at the slippery human.

'Sadly, I don't know any spells that can add elemental damage to my weapon, so for now, I should just use basic attacks and cast [Fireball] when my mana recovers. At the current rate my mana recovers, I should be able to cast it once a minute.'

That is how Sol's drawn-out fight with the Earth Giant truly began. Sol approached and slashed at it dealing pitiful damage ranging around 10 to 20. Whenever he recovered enough mana, he would then make distance and throw a [Fireball] at its face.

At one point when Sol was closing the distance after he casted a spell, the Earth Giant surprised him and used its talent skill [Landslide]. The walls of the room shook as chunks dropped all over the place.


Dodging as many as he could, he still got hit by one but used [Harden] to reduce the damage. He still took 60 damage from the blow and took him out of his rhythm.

The rocks and debris that fell from the walls did not disappear, so Sol could luckily use it as cover and recover his composure.

Using the rocks to his advantage, Sol weaved through the obstacles and continued the fight.

5 minutes later, Sol cast his final [Fireball] finishing the Earth Giant. It groaned as its enormous body fell toward the ground. Before the body hit the ground, Sol remembered to use [Siphon] just in time.

You have slain a Lv 20 Earth Giant! Gained 12,500 Exp.

Learned [Intermediate Unarmed Mastery] Lv 1!

[Strength Up] leveled up! (3 -> 4)

"Phew, I was scared for a minute. Hopefully, these deeper floors will be worth it. But before continuing, I should head back and rest; it's been a long day."

Making his way to the entrance of the next floor, Sol touched the sigil on the ground marking it with his mana pattern. This allowed him to be able to teleport directly to the 6th floor from now on.

Teleporting back to the entrance, Sol returned to The Rusty Bed and got some rest for tomorrow.