Chapter 122: Hey Amber...

Still in the boss room, Sol's eyes were fixated on the new description for [Siphon].

[Siphon] Lv 5: Siphon 3 skills from dead beings. Can additionally siphon one talent skill. Increased efficiency, lowers the longer they are dead.

'I can finally get talent skills!'

Talent skills were a mixed bag in terms of quality, some having minor effects like accelerating the growth of plants without the use of magic, while others were strong like Amber's [Sand Incarnate]. Sol was extremely eager to gain a new talent skill, and he already had his sights set on a talent skill he could get right now.

[Chromatic Red] Lv 7: Create a powerful red beam from a focus point. Can't be simultaneously used with other chromatic skills.

[Chromatic Green] Lv 7: Create a protective green barrier from a focus point. Can't be simultaneously used with other chromatic skills.

[Chromatic Purple] Lv 7: Create an intense gravity zone from a focus point. Can't be simultaneously used with other chromatic skills.

After learning the chromatic skills, Sol knew that while individually useful, they would not come close to the level of power the Handless Fiend showcased. This was because he couldn't use more than one at a time. The Handless Fiend had a way to circumvent it, which was by using its talent skill.

"Hey Amber… Can we fight it again?"

She turned to Sol and tilted her head.


It wasn't that Amber was opposed to fighting it again, but the initial plan was to get to floor 21 and head back. They would then spend the next week in the city practicing their skills. Sol himself also needed to spend time combining and improving skills and needed more than just the late night sessions between floors.

"Well, two reasons. My talent skill leveled up and I can siphon talent skills. The second is that the Handless fiend has quite a few good skills."



Sol knew it was a bit selfish to revisit a fight just for his own growth, so he was extremely glad she agreed.

"Mhm, food first."

"Sure sure, whatever you want."

The two left the boss room and appeared at the entrance of the 21st floor. It looked identical to the other floors, but the ambiance was completely different. It was eerily quiet as there were no adventurers there, unlike the 11th floor.

Making their way to the teleport sigil, they activated it before setting up a makeshift camp. Sol prepared the best food he could using whatever food they had left in their spatial ring. They would soon head back to the city so there was no point in conserving it, giving him the freedom to go all out.

'Hmm… While Amber is happy with most foods, I noticed she enjoys savory food more than anything, so let's go with a meaty dish.'

Sol took out hornbill tenderloins and marinated them before tossing them onto the grill. While the meat cooked, he took out a marimo salmon and removed its scales and skin before placing it on a pan over the fire. Finally, to balance the meal, Sol took out an assortment of vegetables and diced them into a salad while the meat cooked.

To make the salad tastier, he also added salt and lemon juice, which gave it the extra punch it needed.

Proud of his work, Sol plated the meal and presented it to Amber, awaiting her judgment.


Though only a small thanks was given, Sol saw Amber immediately digging in with her expression saying everything he needed to hear.

Sol smiled as he also began to eat, though he liked savory food, he was one who preferred salty foods more. Regardless, Sol's eyes widened as he tasted his own creation.

'Woah. I outdid myself this time.'

The two ate in a happy mood that brightened up the gloomy dungeon atmosphere.

Thirty minutes later, the two were standing once more at the 19th floor gate to the 20th floor boss room. When they took the door to head back to the boss room, it instead teleported them to the other entrance on the 19th floor. Now all they had to do was open the doors once more and be teleported to the boss.

"You ready?"


Amber gave a nod as she unsheathed her daggers.

"Let's go then."

Sol pushed the doors open, and the next moment, the two were teleported to one of the countless rooms that house the Handless Fiend boss.


"Yeah, yeah, we get it. [Explosion]!"

Not planning to give the boss any breathing room, Sol immediately opened up with [Explosion]. Three lights flickered around the fiend as explosions erupted out of them.

The Handless Fiend had insane reaction times and quickly summoned a green hand to cover itself.

Amber created a pillar of sand and launched herself towards the boss while Sol kept the pressure on it.



This sort of multicasting expended a lot of mana rapidly, with each cast costing a little over 200 mana. Within seconds, Sol had already depleted over a third of his mana.

Every wave of explosions, the Handless Fiend was forced to recreate the green hand to shield itself while using the giant orange hand to cover the small gaps in recreating the green hand.

It made an attempt to summon other hands to attack, but it wasn't able to create hands too far from its body, so they were also caught up in the explosions and destroyed before being able to do anything.

By the time the third wave of explosions ended, Amber was already within 10 feet of the boss. Sol stopped casting not only to avoid hurting her with the explosions but also because the fight was already over.

The biggest weakness of the Handless Fiend was its overall weak body. Once someone got close and past the barrier, it was light work to end its life.

With only 10 feet left, Amber used [Ground Shrink] with her daggers ready; she slashed at the Handless Fiend as she dashed past it.


The Handless Fiend wailed in pain and summoned a red, blue, and yellow hand to attack Amber, but before it could attack, three arrows appeared and pierced all three of them. Sol was using his bow to provide support from a distance.

Safe from the hands, Amber unleashed a torrent of attacks similar to how she finished off the last boss, ending its life in a single moment.

You have slain a Lv 90 Handless Fiend! Gained 3,025,000 Exp (300%)

Learned [Chromatic Blue] Lv 7!

Learned [Chromatic Yellow] Lv 7!

Learned [Chromatic Orange] Lv 7!

Attempting to siphon [Create Magic Hands]...

0%...2%... ERROR

ERROR: Target_Not_Found

Canceling attempt…

Attempt canceled successfully.


The messages popped up in rapid succession; in total, not even 2 seconds had passed. Reading through the messages once more, he quickly understood the problem. Sol turned his gaze to where the boss was previously standing, its body already absorbed by the dungeon.

'Guess it's not as fast compared to siphoning normal skills.'

With a sheepish expression, Sol turned to Amber.

"Hey Amber… Can we fight it again?"


If anyone else was put in her shoes, they too would be speechless.