Chapter 170: The Veteran

"[Restricting Vines]!"

The ground cracked as green vines shot out and wrapped themselves around a large raptor-like creature. Its abnormally large claws tried to cut the vines, but the vines restrained its movements, not allowing it to retaliate.


With the raptor-like creature fully immobilized, Aron swooped in for the killing blow.


Using his skill [Bear Punch], his fist carried a frightening amount of strength as it collided with the poor raptor-like creature. A large hole was created as its insides blasted out through the other side of its body, killing it instantly.

Its body dropped to the ground where 13 other monster corpses lay dead not long ago.

Finished with the last enemy, Aron turned around and gave his team, waiting in the caravan, a thumbs up with his hand drenched in the monster's blood.

No one was perturbed by his hand as they knew it wasn't his blood, and after traveling for a few days, they came to realize his way of fighting was rather messy. It was undeniably powerful, but the end result usually left him covered in blood and dirt.

Rex, who sat on top of the carriage, gave a thumbs up back and some encouraging words.

"Nice job! You're both getting faster each time."

This wasn't the first time their group was attacked. Wild monsters would occasionally travel close to the road and attack them, not knowing who they were messing with. Whenever it was C-Rank and below, they would let Nataly and Aron take them on as practice and only intervene if the enemies' numbers were too high. They would only really take action when a B-Rank pack of monsters appeared, which had only happened once in their journey so far.

Sol hopped off the carriage and looked at the scene of the massacre. After quietly siphoning the monster's skills, he raised his hand and said, "I'll take care of the corpses."

Holes appeared underneath the raptors as they fell six feet under. The pits then closed up, leaving no trace of the monsters. It was an instantaneous cleanup.

"Let's keep going then. We are four days away from Chilton. Duncan, would you take the reins?"

"Fine." Duncan gave his dispirited reply, which had occurred often throughout their journey.

'He always does what I ask, but he's always grumpy. I thought he would get more friendly as we traveled, but if anything, it's getting worse. I should talk to him.'

The group boarded their carriage again and set off. Once they were in motion, Sol moved to the front of the carriage and, through the opening in the front, asked Duncan.

"Duncan, can we talk?"

With his hands on the reins, Duncan nodded. "Sure, Captain."

Sol passed through the opening and took a seat next to the middle-aged man. There was more than enough space on the coachman's seat for the both of them, so it wasn't a problem. Taking a moment to feel the nice breeze of wind blowing on his face, Sol used [Muffle Movements] to silence the area around the two.

"I'm using a magic item so no one can hear us. I've noticed you haven't been in a good mood since we left. Is everything okay?"

"Why wouldn't it be?"

"Well, today I woke up and found three trees with a fist-shaped indent on them. I'm pretty certain that was you."

"Couldn't it have been Aron?"

Sol laughed. "Haha, it couldn't have been him. We both know if he punched those trees, he would have let us know. In fact, he would do it in front of us to show how strong he is. Also, if it was him, those trees wouldn't be left standing. He doesn't know the meaning of restraint."

Aron had, in fact, already done that before when he challenged Rex to a contest of strength. He confidently stated that even though he was C-Rank, he was still stronger than Rex. They got into a heated argument over who was stronger until they decided to put it to the test.

The challenge was simple: they would both attack the same object and whoever did the most damage would win. But because nothing in their vicinity was strong enough to withstand their attacks, they asked Sol if he could make boulders for them. Unfortunately for them, Sol denied their request because they were on a mission.

Unable to rebuke his sound argument, Duncan admitted it. "Fine. It was me. Couldn't sleep last night."

"But why?"

Duncan considered for a moment making a random excuse but ended up deciding against it and being truthful.

"Because you put me in this squad. I was about to get promoted to captain, but you ruined that chance and put me here."

This was news to Sol. "You were going to get promoted? I didn't know."

Duncan huffed. "Well, I was. My previous captain, Easel, informed my squad he was retiring. That meant someone in my squad would be promoted to take his place. I've been waiting 20 years for this chance and just when it was within my grasp, you came and told me I was transferred. How could I not be mad?"

"I see, but did he tell you that you were going to be promoted?"

Duncan shook his head. "No, but I know I deserve it. Regardless of the time I served, I also have the highest merit and one of the highest success rates on missions throughout my entire career."

Hearing Duncan's side of the story, Sol quickly connected the dots.

"I get why you're mad at me, but do you know why I chose you for my squad?"

This question was a no-brainer to Duncan. "I have 20 years of experience. Unlike Rex, who was only here for four years, I can help you look out and prevent mistakes rookies normally make."

Sol nodded. "Yeah, that was my initial reason, but then I read more into your file. Among all the knights I could choose from, you are the only one with more than 15 years of experience. Why is that? Anyone who has stayed longer than that would have either already retired or been promoted. I'm sure you know why."

He nodded. "My third talent…"