Lore Drop/Info

In the most recent chapter we had a battle between Gaster and Edrege.

This made me realize an issue with the story. There will be things that happen or little lore details that won't be explained. This aims to explain a few things in high detail that won't be explained in the official story.


The Dreemurr Family: In this time line, there are two new members to The Dreemurr Family. Edrege and Samas.


Edrege Details: He is the eldest brother of the Dreemurr Family. He holds the position of First Captain of The Royal Guard. He's the rightful heir to the throne and has an sense of justice that is unparalleled. The armor he wears was made to stifle his anger.

Edrege Power: Edrege's power is tied directly to his emotions of anger. He has an insane physique and physical Power, capable of simple tanking a Blast that outputs enough Energy to destroy the very planet they live on. When angry, his body grows even stronger and becomes more durable, so much power his physical body can't contain it, so it's released as an intense heat that rivals that can melt any material on Earth.

Edrege Physical Details:

Age: 27

Height: 13'4


Samas Details: Samas is the youngest member of the Dreemurr Family. She holds no special title other than Princess. She works as an apprentice to Roman

Samas Power: Samas has no unique power like everyone else in her family. She is incredibly smart and can absorb information in seconds after encountering it. Making her the perfect apprentice for Roman, after working with him for just a few months she was capable of rivalling Roman's Intelligence.

Samas Physical Details:

Age: 16

Height: 4'3


Skeletons: In VorpalTale, Skeletons are ex humans who died. After fully going through the rotting process and becoming nothing but a Skeleton, they wake up as monsters. In history there has only ever been two skeletons, brothers in life and death, Gaster and Roman.


Gaster Details: Gaster is an insanely intelligent being, much like his brother. He has morals he follows to a T and will never cross the line. He's a scientist first and foremost with no distinct traits of his own.

Gaster Power: Gaster has no powers, much like Samas. He spent his time developing machines to better life in the underground. Although, he does have access to the Blasters which were named after him Post Mortum.

Gaster Physical Details:

Human Age: 34

Skeletal Age: 679

Height: 6'8


Roman Details: Roman like his brother has a strict moral code. However, Roman will do whatever it takes to attain the desired results to better the timeline itself. His ultimate goal is to defy fate for his AU and allow a truly happy ending for everyone and everything.

Roman Power: Roman has a wide range of abilities granted to him by his inventions. With his stopwatch he has his own version of saving and reloading. He also has Nigh-Omnilock, being immune to save, load and Reset. Even True Reset. Allowing him control of his own personal existence.

Roman Physical Details:

Human Age: 27

Skeletal Age: 672

Height: 8'4


Gaster Blasters: Named after Gaster Post Mortum, The Gaster Blaster was the first experiment done by Roman and Gaster. In an attempt to create more Skeletons like them, they spent their time before being sealed robbing graves, including that of their own family to try and replicate what brought them to life. Roman found a way to extract pure essence from human Souls, and so, using that knowledge he used the extract of humans, to try and revive them, instead, they melted and combined, creating a massive amalgamation, being The Blaster

How it Works: There is only one blaster, however this blaster can be split into thousand of smaller blasters, decreasing their power. When they start to combine back together, they don't just multiply, they multiple by themselves, in other words squaring. The smallest version holding a value of 2. Combining them will multiply it by itself to 2, creating a total value of four. Then when two of the value fours mix, sixteen. And this is so on so forth, until it becomes Singular again.

Power: In the hands of Gaster, when all added together, it can blast with enough force to destroy the very planet Earth. In the hands of a higher being? Who knows

Stages: The Gaster Blaster has stages of evolution, due to how it was made. It has five stages of evolution as theorized by Roman

Stage 1: The stage used by Gaster, shoots Neutral soul energy.

Stage 2: In this stage, the user can multiply their Gaster Blasters. Instead of a Singular one. They can multiply the full blaster, creating two of the full power blasters, and only onwards depending on the experience and power of the user. The Stage Of Infinite Potential

Stage 3: ???

Stage 4: ???

Stage 5: ???


VorpalTale: This is the au the characters exist in. It is nearly identical to the classic universe. The only difference being the existence of three characters, Roman, Samas and Edrege. There are of course creative differences, being the relationship of Asriel and Chara, ages and of course Chara's gender being female.

Important Info: The story takes place before the main cast of Undertale were born. Characters like Sans, Papyrus and Undyne have yet to be born in this universe. However, they will eventually be born. Yes, even Sans and Papyrus even though Gaster is already dead.

I'm going off an old theory I had that Sans and Papyrus are the incarnated Skeletons of the fallen humans. Papyrus being the Bravery human and Sans being Integrity. Found family rather than actual brothers. They have no relation to Gaster and Roman.

I'm also including the idea that monsters can bleed. All of them, except for a very select few

Well that's all from me! Can't wait to make a data book