Dungeon Clearance Achievement (1)

After getting rid of the shamans and generals, Chris finally reached the level of novice region.

[You have reached Level 10.]

[You gained +3 INT and +18 FAPs]

[You have reached the novice region level limit. Please use upgrade your profession to gain further levels.]

Chris possessed a scroll for this very purpose but refrained from using it at that moment. If he uses it and gains levels, there is no way that he will get the best out of the dungeon boss. He would use it after he got to a city.

It would be most useful when he does things that way.

After he got +18 FAPs, the total reached 27 FAPs, out of which he distributed +2 to INT, +5 to WIS, +10 to AGI and +10 to VIT, bringing the count to 0.

He checked his panel once again.



Name: Voyd

Level: 10

Race: Human / Primordial Void Dragon

Talent: Experience Buff (SSS); Space Difference (C)

Class: Apprentice Mage

Strength: 50

Stamina: 50

Intelligence: 120

Wisdom: 120

Agility: 60

Vitality: 70

Health: 700

Mana: 1200

Charisma: 10

Luck: 10,005

Free Attribute Points: 0


Once he checked his status and was sure that he could fight the boss, he entered the boss's room.


"There it is, the dungeon boss, Goblin King", Chris muttered when he saw the boss monster.


Name/ race: Goblin King

Level: 15


The dungeon boss of a novice dungeon would usually be a Goblin Lord, whose level would be 10. This is like a test for the players, who want to venture beyond the novice regions.

For this instance, that was the case as Chris chose a Nightmare Mode before entering the dungeon. So the boss monster changed to a king, rather than a lord.

Chris shot an ice arrow at the goblin king first. He didn't want to lose the advantage of the first shot.

The boss, clearly injured a little by the attack, roared at him and started his attacks. The king was a caster, not a physical warrior. Chris lamented his stupidity when he saw the goblin king preparing a spell to attack him.

If only he hadn't used his skill, reverse analysis before, he could have stuck gold here. Even with huge luck and being someone from the future, he should be getting all the goods perfectly but here he was, who lost a chance at getting something good from the goblin king.

Stupidity, even luck wouldn't be able to erase that trait completely. He was stupid at making decisions. He was in a dungeon and where would be the best skills would be available, of course with the boss. He knew that fact and still, when he saw the shaman casting, he used his skill, making it unavailable for some time.

The skill has a cooldown time and he should have remembered such a thing, but he forgot and did something stupid. Now he had to let go of the spells and skills that the goblin king possessed.

He was angry at his stupidity. He started to cast his spells without giving it a break.

After ten minutes of fight, the goblin king fell down, making a huge painful sound, marking its death.

[You have killed Goblin King, Level 15]

[You have gained 500 EXP. You cross-killed your opponent who was five levels above you. You gain extra EXP of 500]

[Experience buff activated, increasing the EXP gained to 100,000.]

[You are already at level cap. Please upgrade your profession. EXP would be stored until then.]


[You have killed a Dungeon Boss, Nightmare Mode.]

[You were awarded a Golden Box.]

[You are the first to achieve such a feat.]

[You were awarded a silver box.]

Chris didn't check them first but the corpse of the goblin king. Sure those rewards are something powerful, but the loot wouldn't disappoint him either, at least he hopes so.

He neared the corpse and saw the loot.

[You have acquired a spell book, Dark Curse: Slip.]

When he saw the spell name, his eyes bulged. They appeared that they would come out of the sockets at any moment.

SLIP, is one of the most insane spells that were ever to exist.

It wasn't an attack spell nor a defence spell. Though the name has Dark Curse in it, the spell wasn't an actual curse either. It was more of a prank spell but a very effective one out there while battling.

It would cause the opponent to slip for a certain time depending on how much mana you spent. This disrupts not only casting spells but also physical moments, making them vulnerable to attacks.

It's an Instant cast spell. There is no cast time, well there is but the time is so small, that it was not measured by mortals at least. Maybe someone who has Time Magic would see that some time lapsed before the spell was cast but for others, it was Instant Cast.

His thoughts were interrupted by the prompts that appeared before him.

[You have cleared a dungeon solo in Nightmare Mode.]

[You were awarded a Platinum box.]

[Due you want to announce it to the world?]
