To the City (1)

Chris returned to the newbie village without facing any troubles. He attributed this to his increased luck and his wings. Since no one's luck is as high as his, there is no way someone would find him and cause him trouble in the deeper parts of the forest.

Moreover, with the help of his wings, he used [Flight] to reach the village. He wanted to be inconspicuous, so he landed in a desolate place. He didn't want the attention at present.

He may be strong here but the power has yet to synchronize with the Earth. There he would be weak and there are many idiots who take slight at even the smallest provocation and kill them. There are idiots who search for any hidden remarks to use them as a reason for beating people up.

There are many psychos that exist in the world.

They could cause problems for him. Here they could clearly see his face. So he would be in danger. Once he obtains a mask to obscure his details, he doesn't need to be afraid that he will offend someone powerful.

Until then, he had to remain hidden.

Once he was in the village, he dumped the spoils he got from killing the monsters. If he wanted to go to the city, it would be best to upgrade his equipment. There would be too many powerful monsters that roam near the cities, especially near the capital city.

He unloaded everything he got. That included not only the equipment he got from the goblins but also the meat and furs he got from the forest wolves.

[Coins: 100 Gold, 15 Silver, 150 Copper]

"With the 100 Gold I got from the reward box, I could afford better equipment and would have a better chance at surviving in the wilds. Let's go to the city and see what is available", he thought as he appeared before the village chief.

Only the players that reached level 10 can go to the city. Once you reach level 10, you can speak with the novice village chief, who will send you to the city.

This was because the village didn't truly exist. When the game merges with reality, it is found that these novice villages were illusions created. Of course, the people here are fake but they do exist just not there.

You may encounter those NPCs whose clones are present in the novice village. If you have made an impression on those NPCs, the view of the real ones would also shift based on that. This is why Chris was respectful to the mage in the village.

When he reached the Village Chief, there are few players trying to get some quests from him. Unlike other games, the village chief doesn't give missions to outsiders who just arrived in their world. You have to gain a reputation or favorability with the village NPCs for that to happen.

Once the chief was done shooing away the players, Chris approached him, "Village Chief, I am eligible to go to a city. Can you please help me?"

The chief eyed Chris for a second before saying, "Sure, you are strong enough to pass".

He took out a runestone and handed it over to him, "Using this stone would send you to the city".

Since Chris didn't bother to build up connections here, the attitude of the chief is neutral.

"Thank you Chief", Chris said and left to use the runestone.

A runestone is useful in many ways. This particular one holds the teleport spell, that could only be used once. It turns to dust once used. Once one leaves the newbie village, they can't return here. It was a one-way ticket.

Once he found a corner, Chris used the runestone.

[Player has used a Teleport Runestone.]

[Player has reached the required level.]

[Please select one of the cities as the destination.]

Chris who has some knowledge as a returnee, directly chose his destination.

"Frost City".

Frost City is the capital of the Winter Kingdom and it is the northernmost human kingdom in the continent. It was known for its Frost Mages as there are a lot of resources available here that are good for Frost Mages. As someone who chose to use Ice Spells, it is the best place for him but that was not the reason why he chose this as his destination.

In fact, this was not the choice he made back then. Though it was a powerful kingdom, no one could succeed easily here and many who tried to enter this kingdom soon left for other kingdoms.

The quests are too problematic for players. Very few are capable of clearing them. This kingdom has the highest number of SS-ranked quests.

If the quests are difficult to clear, it would mean that the rewards are very good. This place is the best place for Chris to level up and get his hands on resources quickly. Moreover, he would not disturb anyone while being far away from them and they also wouldn't be able to disturb him.

[Please prepare for teleportation.]


Chris disappeared from the position, only later to appear in a city adorned by frost.