The Salamander Dungeon

A few minutes later, he arrived at the dungeon, which seemed to be empty. No adventurers were entering it nor were there were guards who kept an eye on it. It was weird to say.

"Even though it is a special dungeon, shouldn't there be people who are trying to secure resources from normal difficulty or something? Something is not right.

Wait, I remember it now. The players gave up on the Winter Kingdom long before it fell and migrated to other kingdoms. There were a lot of posts on message boards that the dungeons here were weird and that levelling up here would be a nightmare.

Is it the reason why there were no locals who were attempting to clear these dungeons? It doesn't matter. I need to do a quest here and if I can complete it, I can get hold of a dungeon too. It's something I can't let go", Chris thought as he entered the dungeon, pushing away the thoughts that were bothering him that there was something wrong with the dungeon.

[Welcome to the Salamander Dungeon, Nightmare Mode.]

As soon as he entered, he saw a prompt from the system that he had entered the dungeon in nightmare mode.

"Alright, let's hunt some salamanders".




[You have killed a Fire Salamander, level 24]

[You have levelled up.]


There were continuous notifications for some time.

[You have reached Level 24]

[You have gained +20 INT and +120 FAPs]

It took him a long time but after killing the mid-boss, Chris reached level 24. Anyone who was at his level would have died if they had tried this dungeon, especially if they were frost mages or anyone who depends on ice-based spells and protection. This dungeon would be an absolute nightmare for them, as fire is the enemy of ice.

It should have been a nightmare for Chris too, if not for his high attributes and critical hit skill. Moreover, the spells he got from the novice dungeon helped a lot. Whenever he saw that a salamander might be gunning for him, he would use paralyse to stop them in the middle or slip to make them fall down which made sure that they were in no position to threaten him.

It was also the reason why he needed only an hour to reach the mid-boss room.

He gained a lot by coming to this dungeon. Though the fire salamanders are not quite in number, he gained a lot of EXP, as they are way above his level and also with the help of his EXP bonus buff.

He almost reached level 25 and he was sure as soon as he got rid of the boss, he would cross level 25.

EXP wasn't the only benefit he gained from this dungeon.

[You have obtained 25 Fire Stones.]

[You have obtained 40 Fire Salamander Hearts.]

[You have obtained Fire Salamander Lord's heart.]

[You have obtained a skill book, Fire Swap.]

Fire stones are something that he picked up from the dungeon. They are used in blacksmithing and alchemy. These stones are something that is useful to maintain a certain amount of temperature as required, which was very important when crafting. So they always have high demand, no matter the nation.

Salamander hearts, as one can see from the name were drops from killing the salamanders. The forty were from normal salamanders, while the Lord's heart was from Mid-Boss. They are all used in alchemy to create potions, fire-based potions.

The greatest gain he obtained was the skill book, Fire Swap.

[Fire Swap: You can swap your place with another creature/object as long as you both are inside a fire domain. The range depends solely on your and your target's rank. It may not work if the opponent has any space-based skills or moment skills.]

Looking at the skill description, a smile bloomed on Chris's face. As long as he was inside a fire domain, he could escape from any enemy attack, by swapping with other beings or even objects that can be moved. This is an escape technique that would be very useful for him.

Chris uses Ice spells, so anyone who wanted to harm him would definitely find a way to restrict him with fire, which was the weakness of ice spells, but now he has an escape route.

After checking out the gains he got until now, he turned and looked around the mid-boss room.

"Hmm, this looks interesting. There are runes in the mid-boss room as I remembered. My memories didn't fail me. I need to learn what these runes mean before they disappear. First I need to learn the

Chris took out the reward he obtained for the "First to obtain a Sub-Class" achievement.

"Use the Basic Book of Runecrafting".

[Detected that the player is trying to use a consumable. Do you confirm?]


[You have consumed the Basic Book of Runecrafting (Rare)]

[You have gained knowledge of Basic Runecrafting below rare grade.]

"Arghh..., I forgot how much that hurts".

The infusion of knowledge is not an easy process. At this stage, almost no one would be able to get their hands on something like this. Even in his past life, he got knowledge of this grade when he reached higher levels.

So when he used that knowledge, it wasn't that painful but now, he was low level and it hurt a lot.

"Let's see if I can find out a few secrets of the dungeon".