A day off from the game

When Chris came out of the game, it was still dark, so he retired to his bed, something that he hadn't used for the past few days. Though the game cabin was excellent for sleeping, the bed was more familiar to him. He missed the feeling of rolling over in bed, which is not possible with the game device.

In there, you would be struck in a position. Though one can usually take nutrient solutions and can spend days without a break, it would still cause some stiffness in the body. Moreover, living is to feel everything, even the smallest comfortable thing as sleeping on a bed.

Though there were still a few more hours till morning which could be well spent in gaming, after a few days of hard work, Chris decided he deserved the break and slept in his bed till morning.


After he woke up, he freshened up before starting to make breakfast for both of them.

"Good Morning brother", Abby who had just woken came to the kitchen to see what her brother was making. She was perfectly satisfied when she saw that he was making pancakes, which were her favourite. Though they were her favourites, she never asked them but never said no. She didn't have the heart to do either of the two things.

Chris looked at her sister and smiled, "Good Morning Abby".

He knew what her favourite foods her obviously but has regrets that he couldn't fulfil even the tiniest desire of her heart, all because he was afraid that too much spending would threaten their future. He was so much engrossed in planning their future that he forgot to live in the present.

He has now seen the future and knew where exactly the future takes them and decided that he wouldn't make the same mistakes as he did before. Even though spending time inside the game is important, spending time outside is important too.

Today, he spends time on the present, rather than the future. Yes, the future is dire but a future without the ones that you care, it would be considered worse than dire.

He couldn't spend time with his sister much in the morning as she had to go to school but there were others he could spend time with, people like his friends from way back in school, friends he neglected for too long.

There was the neighbouring aunty who used to take care of Abby when he was away at work. He thanked her whenever she and her husband took care of his sister, lessening his burden but he never treated them for all the burdens they took, burdens that were his.

He needed to rectify those mistakes he did. What Chris wanted was a bright future but could he lead such a life with regrets drowning him? He can't, no one can. In this life, what he decided was to lead a good life without any regrets.

"Five minutes Abby", he said to Abby who was looking at the pancakes as a hungry wolf ready to devour, "Go brush your teeth in that time".

When Abby heard her brother's voice she was embarrassed that he saw her face making such a stupid face. She ran to her room to freshen up.

After she returned from her room, they both devoured the prepared pancakes. Chris too enjoyed eating and ate more than he usually does. The reason behind this, he knows well about the reason. The game is starting to affect reality, at least what the people of Earth thought reality was.

Truth be told, both worlds existed in reality but the people of Earth didn't know about this fact before. Only much later did they find out that the game world is also a real world.

"It looks like the realities are merging. I should try to use the meditation technique I bought in the game. I have a feeling that it would be useful if I learn and practice here as soon as possible", Chris thought in his mind.

Once both were done with breakfast, Abby returned to her room to get ready for her school. Chris went on preparing lunch for his sister. Though he prepared pancakes for breakfast, he couldn't still prepare what her sister loves most instead of the poor lunch he usually does.

"One thing at a time. It won't be long before the game would release the wealth update. Once the update comes, I will exchange some gold for the world currency and everything will change", he comforted himself.

Once the update comes, there would be no reason for his sister to suffer as she usually did. She would be free to act her age rather than being a mature girl.


After sending Abby off to to school, he went to socialize with the neighbor Aunty for a while. He also spoke with his new neighbours before going out to the city to meet a few friends who were in the city but he hadn't seen them for a long time.

He needed to ignite the friendship that was lost long ago. In the future that is going to appear, friends are required, especially someone whom you can trust.

He has two purposes for going to meet his old friends. He wanted to see who would be most likely loyal and who would most likely would betray him. To test their characters, this would be the best time frame. He is considered poor, and his friends would have just recently settled in jobs. He wanted to see if they were the same as back in school or if they had changed.

If they changed for the worse, then there would be no need to associate in the future. True friends stand by you not only in times when you shine but also when you face the darkness.

From how his meetings with his friends would go, he would decide on whom to bring up and whom to ignore.