The Rank-up Quest

As the world was boiling over the fact that the game introduced real-world money exchange, Chris entered the game and exchanged some of his gold for cash.

He had a total of 5,000 gold to exchange as he had spent a lot on improving his armour and weapons. His old armour and weapon were outdated and he had to upgrade them or it would be problematic for him to survive.

Due to his high attributes, he survived till now with such weak armour but it couldn't be used anymore. He has a rank-up quest. Moreover, he had to hunt in the higher-level monster area from now on in order to get decent EXP, which would be very dangerous.

Before he logged out last time, he placed an order for custom-made armour and magic staff. Most of the spells he uses are of Frost element and he needs weapons and armour which supports Ice magic spells. This type of equipment wouldn't always be available readily. One has to order them so that they would be prepared as per his wishes.