The Great Escape

Chris was able to subdue the little fox and made it into his pet. He couldn't enjoy a few minutes of joy before danger appeared. The danger was much more than what he anticipated. He calculated almost everything but forgot one thing.

Roar! Roar!

Chris almost pissed himself when he heard those roars. All the monsters that were fighting each other were now chasing after him. They were so pissed at Chris at that moment.

How could they not?

They had been waiting for days to reap the fruits when they were ripe enough but a new one entered and played all of them like a fiddle and even took all the fruits from the tree.

How could they let the newcomer go?

Wouldn't that be a stain on their monster's pride?

They have to teach humans a lesson.


Chris ran when he saw those monsters staring at him with their crazy and killing eyes. He has no idea that they have labeled him as the "thief" who stole their belongings.