Verdict and Compensation

With some many twists and turns, one would have thought that the verdict would have taken longe but it didn't. The verdict about the case was given the next morning.

It was just as everyone expected the agency was found guilty and had to compensate the plaintiff, Chris Shade. the question that they had I their minds was how much the court would order the government to pay to the young super.

The court has to consider two powerful entities. On one side there is a nation's government. Even though there were many lawsuits that happened in the past, where the government had to pay damaging charges, this was totally different.

With the supers appearing everywhere, the judge knows that the resources are already stretched thin. If the judge orders them to pay too much, then he will join their black list. It would not be good for his career. In normal cases, he could have just made the compensation small but that doesn't work in this case.