Rᵁᴮᵞ Hᴼˢᴴᴵᴺᴼ → Gᴱᵀᵀᴵᴺᴳ Aᴸᴼᴺᴳ

𝒩ᴼᵂ 𝒫ᴸᴬᵞᴵᴺᴳ : ❝ 𝒥ᵁᴺᴳᴸᴱ ❞ 𝒷ᵞ 𝒟ᴿᴬᴷᴱ

↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺

ɪғ ɪ ɴᴇᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ ᴛᴀʟᴋ, ᴀʀᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴀʀᴏᴜɴᴅ?


ᴡʜᴏ ᴋɴᴇᴡ ғɪʟᴍɪɴɢ reality TV shows were so tiring? The games were fun, the crew was cool, but Ruby just got so tired after acting like Sarina. It was also tiring to keep Sarina's dislike of Melt going. Hating someone took a lot more energy than she thought, but at least the fans loved it. It was giving her the attention she and Ichigo needed to get the easy access to future information about Ai. Kaburagi was having her and Melt star in a lot of promotions, so she was fine with the fame. For now.

She wasn't sure she was ready to deal with the music video Aqua and Miyako planned, but she felt too bad if she refused. Besides, she already came this far. She might as well make Ichigo satisfied by filming that music video.

At least the dresses she wore were pretty. One of them was a long, pale yellow dress that was so fluttery she felt like a fairy. She had her hair styled back with a matching bow, and she felt like the main character.

"Kana chose the dress," Aqua said when she showed him. "She helped me a lot, which is why it's sad she can't be here..."

She didn't get why he was sad Kana couldn't be here. It was just Kana. Personally, she would've liked Akane or Mem-Cho to be here. Akane was really nice and had a calm-older-sister vibe, and Mem-Cho was really fun to be around. They couldn't be here due to their own schedules—but it's not like she ever asked them—so he should just suck it up.

For the first scene, Miyako managed to get some time to film scenes at a pretty forest that usually had someone there, probably a social media influencer. The sunlight hit the tree leaves just right to cast a circle of beautiful sunlight with pretty patterns while the surrounding area was dark. It was the perfect place for photos, which would also make it the perfect place for the music video.

Ruby was getting herself prepared to be Sarina when she saw five cages with their own rabbit. Before she could run up to the cages, Aqua took her hand and said, "You'll have time to play with them while filming, okay? Your scenes with them take place here."

"But Sarina doesn't play with bunnies..." Maybe Sarina could have a very, very, very, very, very soft spot for anything cute and cuddly but would try very, very, very, very, very hard not to show it. She could find a way to show that on Idol's Beginning. Ichigo wouldn't mind that change anyway.

"Are you ready to film?" Aqua asked. "It's starting soon."

Ruby took a deep breath, preparing herself to be Sarina. "I just have to act ethereal or something, right? That's how the song goes?"

"I suppose so. It's about childhood memories, so maybe not that."

"It's just about childhood memories?"

"Ruby, I already told you, this song is about someone reminiscing their childhood memories that they care about a lot, but she still lives her life while thinking about them. Kana and I went over it countless times because we thought it would help whatever situation you're in with Melt."

"Of course I remember that. I was just asking for a reminder." She didn't remember any of that.

But...maybe the song could help her. Ruby or Sarina could only go so long without giving the fans hints about her would-be-fake past with Melt. It would be hard getting him to go along with it, but she could make it work. The ship posts that would come of it though... Ugh...

Being an idol was so annoying.

. . .

"sᴀʀɪɴᴀ!" ᴍᴇᴍ-ᴄʜᴏ ᴛʜʀᴇᴡ her arms around Sarina when she came onto set. "Your music video's coming out soon!"

Sarina squeezed back before pulling away. "I'm hoping it goes well, though we still have some scenes to film. My brother has helped a lot, and it would be a shame if it goes to waste..."

On a previous episode, Sarina talked about her family with Akane and Mem-Cho. Mem-Cho, remembering it, said, "Aqua, right? Is he posting it?"

"No, it's my agency."

"Give me someone in the agency's number I can talk to! I'll help you find the perfect time to post it. I have tons of experience with uploading videos!"

Sarina nodded and gave Mem-Cho Miyako's work phone number. It was still pretty early and filming didn't start yet, so there weren't a lot of people there. She was still trying to keep Sarina acting the most like Sarina, though.

Melt just arrived and he spotted them. "Sarina, about your music video—"

When she looked at him with a darkened face, he faltered. Good. She practiced that face a lot in the mirror. He still managed to say, "From what I heard, it sounds good. I wish you the best of luck."

Sarina decided to tonelessly thank him instead of nodding or doing nothing. Maybe it was time for her to start showing signs of her warming up to him.

Mem-Cho looked between them and sighed. "I'll never understand you guys... Just be friends already!"

"We're not friends," Sarina quickly said before Melt could even open his mouth.

Melt looked away. "What she said..."

"Well, I'm giving my money that it'll change at the end of this season! This show's about friendship, guys! As cool as it is you're being the face of promotion, at least start pretending to like each other!"

"I'm not pretending anything! It's just Ru—" Melt froze as he and Sarina locked eyes. "Sa..."

"Rusa?" Mem-Cho laughed. "Is that a nickname?"

"One you don't have to worry about." Sarina took her hand. "Come on, let's go see if Akane is here yet."

"Don't be embarrassed!" Mem-Cho teased as she let her pull her along. "Rusa is a cute nickname."

Sarina didn't reply. She really needed to talk to Melt so they could get their story together.

. . .

ɴᴏʙᴜʏᴜᴋɪ ᴡᴀꜱ ᴛʜᴇ one to announce their game today. He gestured around the home economics classroom. "Since Yuki isn't here because of a model shoot, we're making her favourite dessert today to give her tomorrow—dorayaki!"

"I can't bake," grumbled Kengo.

"Me neither," said Sarina.

"We'll have recipes," assured Nobuyuki.

"I heard we're having fans decide partners for this episode," said Akane.

"We are!" Mem-Cho wrapped her arm around Akane. "Which means we're together! Wait, was I not supposed to say that?"

Partner names were on three of the kitchen sets. Sarina wasn't surprised to see her name with Melt. Some fans were just dying for even crumbs of them being nice to each other for whatever reason they had. She couldn't be too nice to guys because she was an idol, but maybe she could give them something to eat.

That makes them sound like they're animals, she thought, hiding a smile.

Melt frowned while he read over the recipe. "You don't know how to bake, right, Sarina? I don't either."

Sarina took the recipe from him. There was a pen in case they wanted to add notes, so she drew a quick sketch of Melt with demon horns and added a note that said, When you're stuck, follow my lead. Nudging his foot with hers in a way she knew the cameras wouldn't get, she directed his attention to the note before covering it before the cameras could.

"Is that me?" Melt pointed to her sketch.

Sarina turned away to hide a smile. "No..."

"That is me. I know you can draw my hair better than that."

She felt satisfied with something she could work with. "Have you ever seen me draw?"

"W-Well... I probably did. Anyway, we should focus on the desert."

Melt was preparing their station, so while Sarina was reading over the second, she went over what their "backstory" was. We're probably childhood friends. The Rusa mistake's now a nickname, so it can be a childhood nickname! Does that mean I need to have a childhood nickname for him? Where could Rusa even come from?

Melt snapped his fingers in front of her face. "Sarina, are you listening? I asked you to crack the eggs while I get the sugar and honey."

Sarina cracked five eggs in the time he got the sugar and honey. When he came back, he asked her how many eggs she cracked. When she answered, he said, "The recipe said four eggs."

"Did it?" She frowned at it. "It said five before. Should we restart?"

He shrugged. "Waste of eggs."

After carefully putting the correct amount of sugar and honey, Melt was the one to whisk it. They were supposed to do it until it got fluffy, but he was doing it too hard.

"You're getting the batter everywhere." Sarina had to stop herself from raising her voice.

Melt didn't stop whisking. "I'm not a baker."

She put a hand on the bowl. "It's fluffy enough. Now, rest."

Since they both weren't doing anything now, it was awkwardly silent. Sarina was figuring out if she should start a conversation when Melt asked, "How's your brother?"

"Aqua's fine. He's taking a break since he put so much effort into helping my music video. He was the one to write all the lyrics with his friend." She decided early on to only name Aqua and Miyako when talking about her personal life. Anyone else would be some random person.

"So...he's an actor and a lyricist?" Melt's eyes went to the bowl. "He's really talented then..."

"He puts effort into the things he likes or wants to do."

"I can tell..."

More awkward silence.

"Can you tell him I said hi? If you don't mind."

"He watches the show on a regular basis, but I can tell him." Sarina glanced at the camera. Fans could do whatever they wanted with that. "I think that's enough resting time. Now we have to add some water."

Since she proved she couldn't read instructions that well, Melt was the one who made sure they had enough water. Since he proved he couldn't mix that well, Sarina was the one to stir.

"Do you think we need more water?" he asked.

"Adding a little more wouldn't hurt, would it?"

He added a little more water, then more when she said so. They added just a little more since they already added some.

When she was done stirring, Melt put a frying pan onto the stove. He asked for the bowl, which made her ask, "Didn't it say to heat it for five minutes?"

He shrugged. "It's fine. It's going to heat up anyway."

She decided to give him the bowl. Reading over the recipe again, she got a paper towel with natural oil. The pan wasn't too hot yet, so it was easy to spread the oil around. "When does it say to remove the oil?"

"It just says to remove it. Maybe we should leave it in for a minute."

So they left it in.

Sarina decided it was her turn to start the conversation. "Is the show interrupting your school time? I'm finding it hard to keep up with my homework."

"I'm fine. There are some people who like me enough to do it for me." He quickly added, "But I'm not making them do it."

"I was about to ask if you were still a bit arrogant, but I guess not."

"I'm...trying not to be." He realized she was paying genuine attention and continued. "I mean...after the filming of Sweet Today, I realized I'm definitely not the best actor there is. I'm trying not to let it get into my head..."

"But old habits die hard?"


Since that topic was over, she decided to risk it. "You know... Do you remember how when we were younger and I had the dream of being an idol?"

He thankfully nodded. "You loves seeing those idols sing and dance in front of all their fans. It's nice to see you try to get that goal."

"I know, but..." She tried to think of a real problem she had she could talk about. "I guess I'm scared for how people will take the music video. A lot of people worked hard on it, so if it doesn't do well..."

Melt smiled, soft enough for anyone to believe it was nostalgic. "You really haven't changed, have you?"

Sarina shrugged, but she allowed herself to have a smile smile.

"But I'm sure people will love your music video. I know I do."

"You haven't even seen it."

"But if it's your music video, then I know I'll like it."

"Well..." Sarina decided to just smile wider. "Thanks, Melt."

Melt hesitated before saying, "I'm just being a friend."

"Still... Thank you."

The fire alarm went off.

. . .

"ʜᴏᴡ ᴅɪᴅ ʏᴏᴜ not know you're not supposed to leave oil on the pan?" Nobuyuki asked for the tenth time. "Everyone knows it could start a fire."

Sarina bowed again, deeper than the last few ones. "I'm sorry, but I thought I could wait for Melt before I continued. I didn't know he would take so long..."

Everyone else was so focused on their baking they didn't notice the other groups until the fire started. That let her say Melt was in the bathroom when the fire started and it was her fault. It would probably show that Melt never actually went to the bathroom, but for now, it was okay.

Akane put a hand on her shoulder. "It's an honest mistake. Besides, nothing happened."

Mem-Cho was the first to react, spraying the fire extinguisher on the pan and everywhere, but it also added a big mess. The finished dorayaki were ruined, but at least the fire was eventually put out.

"Please don't be mad at Melt. It isn't his fault," Sarina said again.

"No one's mad at Melt, and no one's mad at you," said Nobuyuki. "But I guess Yuki won't have any dorayaki to eat next time we film."

"I think filming might be delayed," muttered Akane.

Akane and Nobuyuki left to check on Mem-Cho and Kengo. Sarina stayed where she was when Melt joined her.

"I guess it was a bad idea to leave the oil after all," he tried to joke.

"I guess..."

"Don't be sad, okay? Nothing happened."

"I still feel bad... I'm sorry..."

"It's not your fault." He paused. "And...you didn't have to tell everyone it wasn't my fault. I was the one who told you to leave it there."

"I hate when people I like get in trouble..."

The silence overtook them. He broke it by saying, "Since we're basically done here... I guess I'll see you next time we film."

Just as Melt was leaving, Sarina called his name. When she had his attention, she added quietly, "When are you free?"