Shane Is Awake!

"I'll take your silence as consent," Wynonna sniffled and started recounting all her memories with Louis.

They included how her heart fluttered in excitement when she'd first met him, how she'd passionately took the initiative to win his love, and how she'd humbled herself to please him after they had started their relationship, and how devastated she had been at his betrayal...

At first, Shane did not want to hear it, but this little lass's voice was so gentle and sweet that he could not help but be drawn into her emotions.

However, Wynonna ended up drifting off to sleep before completing her story... 

Left hanging in suspense from hearing only half the story, Shane felt a sense of annoyance yet could not shake her awake; he had to suffer on his own.

Out of habit, Wynonna moved closer to him and used him as a pillow. Maybe because of the many things that had happened today, she had a fitful sleep, occasionally muttering in her sleep, followed by sobbing.

"Am I a failure? I caused the Sinclair family to fall to ruin all because of that jerk.

"Now I just want to focus on earning money to atone for my sins.

"But I'm so useless. I can't even get a job."

The little lass's murmuring cries lingered in his ears, creeping up his heart like an army of ants, which caused him to feel even more annoyed.

When Shane woke up early the next day, he found his shoulder, which she had used as her pillow, was completely wet with her tears....

What she had said to Uncle Ben flashed across his mind.

This little thing must really need money desperately, he thought. Actually, she could have brazenly asked Uncle Ben to request more money from Mrs. Muller on her behalf, but she had not.

He stopped his thoughts there, took his cell phone out from under his pillow, and sent Alan a text message: Get a job for this woman. Make sure it is easy and pays well. Most importantly, she must be able to work from home.

Yes, Mr. Muller, Alan texted back. He was puzzled.

He remembered that not too long ago, his big boss had clearly said that he would not help Ms. Sinclair find a job.

Why did he change his mind so quickly? Women are said to be fickle-minded, he told himself silently. Are men like that too? he wondered.

Shane gave it more thought and added: Don't use your name to inform her. Send the job advertisement directly to her email.

Alright, Alan texted back. He was even more puzzled.

Didn't I buy clothes for her under his name? Why can't I do the same with the job?

he wondered.


One might become emotional at night but return to being rational during the day.

Wynonna woke up and recalled how she had poured out her emotions to a man in a coma last night, and she suddenly felt very ridiculous.

But after releasing all the pain that she had suppressed for so long, her heart felt lighter.

"Forget it. You men are all bad. Why did I bother telling you all that?" She sighed at Shane.

Shane gritted his teeth and thought, This woman forced me to listen to things I did not want to hear and now burned her bridges by lumping me together with other jerks? I've had enough.

He instantly regretted instructing Alan to get a job for her.

Wynonna washed up and then started her computer. An email advertisement popped up immediately. It was a job ad looking for someone to write reviews about a brand of cosmetics.

This job could be done from home. The company would send the cosmetic products to her designated address, and the review could be submitted online. The pay was also very good. Each review would be paid one hundred dollars.

Wynonna was very attracted to this job and also felt that she could do it, so she sent her resume.

She used to be a rich man's daughter and had used many top-of-the-line cosmetic brands, so she was very familiar with the pros and cons of each type of cosmetic. In high school, she had written a novel for fun and had the literary skills required for writing reviews like these.

The process was very smooth, and she soon received an email notification that she was hired.

Three days later, Wynonna received a large box of cosmetic products from the company. She sat next to the bed and started applying them on her face in front of a small mirror.

There were so many samples that she had to repeatedly apply and remove the makeup, and the steps were rather cumbersome. After several times, her skin started to turn red and hurt a little.

Inadvertently, she turned to look at Shane's pale face as he lay in bed, and she suddenly had an idea.

"Mr. Muller, your face looks so pale. Let me apply some makeup on you," Wynonna whispered into his ear while holding a brand of blush.

She thought that was a good idea because she could test out the product and also make Shane look better.


As Wynonna said that, she picked up the brush, dabbed some blush, and very gradually moved closer to his chiseled face.

Shane felt the soft brush on his face and smelled the slight scent of the blush. All the muscles in his body tensed up as he resisted the urge to sit up and stop her.

He deeply regretted finding a cosmetic review job for her.

Wynonna applied the blush to half his face and inspected it carefully before nodding her head in approval. "This color is not bad. I like it."

She took out another type of blush and applied it to the other half of his face and compared them closely. This time, she frowned and said, "This color is too dull. Not good."

She quickly recorded it in her notebook.

She thought she was very smart to know how to apply it on each half of the face to make comparisons.

After she had finished testing the blushes, she wanted to move on to the eyebrow pencils and mascara, but after looking at Shane's eyebrows and eyelashes, she changed her mind.

His eyebrows were well-shaped and thick like they were drawn on, and his eyelashes were curled and long, and as a woman, it made her feel inadequate about her own.

Wynonna rested her chin on her hand for a while. Then she could not resist using her index finger to poke his fan-like eyelashes. She sighed. "You have what are rumored to be the perfect eyelashes."

The more she looked, the more she realized that this man had another point in his favor; he was good to admire.

A few days ago, she had already discovered his other good points, such as being a pillow and an emotional dumpster.

She was left with some lipsticks to try out. Wynonna looked at Shane's slightly thin, pale lips and felt that she must apply some lipstick.

"The shape of your lips is very beautiful. If you were to sell lipstick by live streaming, you could beat that top influencer Austin Li's lipstick ads," praised Wynonna from the bottom of her heart. She then dotted and applied the lipstick on his lips.

Of course, she had to compare the lipstick colors, so the left half was bright pink, and the right half was bright red.

After she finished applying, she thought that he looked both cool and cute. How could he carry off these two bold colors so well on his mouth?

After she had finished applying makeup on his entire face, Wynonna admired her handiwork with satisfaction. "Now, he looks so much better."

She had to take a photo as evidence and would write a summary after she had finished testing all the products.

She took out her cell phone, pointed it at Shane's face, and took a picture. She even turned on the flash to have better lighting.

The moment it flashed, her eyes were momentarily blinded, and after that, she seemed to be hallucinating.

The man who was lying still on the bed suddenly sat up and his long arm reached out and grabbed her wrist!

He was very strong, and his grip made her wrist hurt a little.

Her hand went limp, and she dropped her cell phone on the floor with a thud, echoing the sound of Wynonna's heart.

"What did you just do to me?" he moved right up to her and asked in his low baritone voice, which sounded so soothing to the ear. He continued, "If you don't have a death wish, delete that photo of me now!"

His endurance, which he was so proud of, had finally been broken by her.

If he did not wake up, she would have treated him as a fancy toy, finding new ways every day to play with him until he was damaged.

"You, you..." Wynonna's eyes widened and stared, her entire body shaking. She quickly released herself from his grip and ran outside shouting, "Mr. Muller is awake!"

She was afraid that he would recognize her as the woman who had forced herself on him that night, so she wanted to get others to come quickly. With other people around, it would be harder for him to kill her.


Shane had wanted to cover her mouth, but he was too late.

That woman seemed to be yelling with all her might as if she could not wait to let the whole world know he'd awoken.

Normally, this behavior could be attributed to elation, but he did not see any tinge of joy on her face. Instead, he caught a look of terror.

Mr. and Mrs. Muller were looking forward to the day Shane would wake up. When they heard the good news, though it was night, they quickly changed their clothes and rushed over with Uncle Ben.

"Shane, you're finally awake!" Mrs. Muller used her walking cane and walked shakily to his bed. She firmly held his hand and said, "Did you know how worried I was every day?"

Mr. Muller patted his wife's hand and comforted her, "He's awake now, he's awake now..." Shane was their most valued grandson. He was also the one who was really in charge of the Muller Organization. Since he'd taken over the business when he was 25 years old, he had built a prosperous commercial Pennvale and monopolized Sonorland's entire economy, so even the president had to give the Muller family respect.

Nobody would have guessed that someone would poison him when he was at his peak and caused him to be in a coma for so long.

But everyone knew in their hearts that the Muller family was a large family and had a large business with many branches, so someone in the family must have tried to kill Shane in order to gain power and control.

In her excitement, Mrs. Muller suddenly noticed something was amiss. She looked more closely at Shane's face. "Shane, what happened to your face?" she exclaimed in surprise.

Everyone automatically turned their eyes to Wynonna, who was trying very hard to hide in the corner.

Shane had only just woken up, so the makeup on his face must have been applied by the little lass they had bought as his bride.

"Well... I was applying makeup on myself when I saw that Mr. Muller looked a little pale, so I applied some on him too," Wynonna said nervously, her back breaking out in cold sweat.

Before Mr. and Mrs. Muller could get angry, she quickly added, "But it was all thanks to my makeup. He woke up suddenly while I was applying it to him!"

She also implied that she had something to do with it.

Mr. and Mrs. Muller were a little angry at first, but what she had said made sense.

The feng shui master had said that this little lass was the best person to ward off his bad luck.

The feng shui master had been right. Only a week passed since she came, and Shane had woken up.

"I had promised you on the day you arrived that as long as you took good care of Shane, we would treat you well." Mrs. Muller had recovered from her shock and continued saying, "I had thought of giving you more money, but I heard from Ben that you have strong principles and did not wish to ask us for more. Since that is the case, I shall reward you in another way. I will allow you to continue to stay with Shane."

Mr. Muller frowned when he heard that, obviously indicating his objection to this proposal. However, as someone who always listened to his wife, he did not dare to openly disagree with her but held his tongue.

Actually, they had already discussed and agreed to let Wynonna leave once Shane woke up.

The Muller family was Pennvale's top distinguished family, whereas Wynonna was no longer a rich man's daughter, and her father had been in prison. Therefore, she was not qualified to be their grandson's wife.

Wynonna screamed silently in her heart when she heard that. No! I'd rather you would give me money! Remaining with Shane is not a reward but torture! she lamented to herself.

Once they leave, Shane is sure to kill me, she thought.

Thinking of that, she plucked up the courage to reject her offer. "Thank you, Mr. and Mrs. Muller, for treating me so well. Since I have already received so much from the Muller family, it was only right that I took care of Mr. Muller. I do not wish for any reward. I only wish to leave."