Deliberately Testing Him

Wyonna was about to knock on the door, but she lowered her head and slowly walked back to the set, feeling bad. Yet, it was a feeling that she couldn't quite place.

It was then that she finally realized that she had fallen in love with Shane. Her mood wouldn't have dived into that otherwise. She figured that all the care which he showed her before gave her the wrong impression, that he liked her somehow as well, even just a little bit.

Despite the disappointment, she felt somewhat glad that she got to hear his real thoughts. That way, she could snuff out whatever feelings she had for him, while she had yet to have fallen too deep.

She decided to not think about it and simply focused on fulfilling the contract.


Ivan had actually booked a place to treat Shane, Michael, Henry, and the rest of the crew to lunch; yet Shane left because he had something else to attend to.