No Touchy

"You had a love affair with another woman. Now how could you blame my mom for it!" Shane gave WilGeorge a cold look and said, "I won't believe another word out of you."

Then he took Wyonna's hand and walked away.

WilGeorge got infuriated by Shane, but he can't lose his temper with so many guests there.

Anna came over and gently took his arm. "Honey, Shane doesn't intend to make up with you at all "We can't count on him. How about we have another child?"

WilGeorge didn't say anything, but just sighed.

When Wyonna and Shane walked away, she comforted, "Shane, don't be sad. I'm here with you."

Just as what he had said to her before, they would support each other forever.

"I know." Shane touched her face and smiled.

"Wyonna, this is our present for you." Quentin and his wife Thea came over and gave Wyonna the present.

"Thank you, Mr& Mrs. Green." Wyonna gave them a sweet smile.