Wyonna Wants to Have Shane Back

"What?" Wyonna flushed to the ears, "How could I check that?"

"What do you think?" Shane suddenly grabbed her hand and made it go down his body.

Realizing what he was up to, Wyonna pulled her hand back in fright, "Let go of me! I believe you like men now. Let's just start to discuss our cooperation."

"OK." Shane watched her with pleasure while she was embarrassed and smiled, "You better do. I'll never be in love with women anymore, because same-sex love is true love. The love between opposite sex is just for breeding."

Wyonna got speechless to him.

She genuinely didn't know what to say next. Shane had changed so much that she found it hard to accept.

Maybe he had that kind of gene, and she just woke that gene in him.

While she was wondering, Shane already stood up straight and uttered, "By the way, I need to express my gratitude to you for not marrying me, Miss Sinclair. You made me find my true self."