Be My Wife

Michael was dying to leave, but when he saw Wendy sitting among them, he changed his mind.

He knew that their current relationship didn't allow them to meet each other, except for this occasion.

Therefore, to have more glances at her, he would rather endure the pain when he saw Alan and her together.

"All right, everybody. Shall we have a brunch and then try on the clothes?" Wyonna asked the servants to set the table by the lake with foods and drinks, such as cups of tea, hot coffee and milk.

The couples all seated themselves. The delicate tableware glistened in the sun, but they all seemed dazzling to Michael.

"Here's the tea for you, darling, the black tea, your favorite." Shane took the lead in serving his wife.

Then followed Ivan, he buttered a piece of bread for Chloe, "Honey, you shall eat more, and that's good for our baby."

Chloe took the bread, staring at it and hesitating, "What if I'm getting fat, honey?"