Chapter 33 : Refreshing


Sage held open the tent flaps. I ducked my head out, looking for any signs that someone might see us. Not that I was afraid to be seen with Sage, but rather, I was afraid someone might catch me slipping down to the creek to take a bath. It seemed somehow unbecoming of a commander. I mean, everyone should bathe from time to time. In the evenings before bed, I usually washed in the wash basin in the tent, but I knew I should get a full bath.

I just preferred to avoid bodies of water these days.

I turned to look back at Sage. I noticed then that the vine that climbed the central tent pole was now covered in delicate blue day flowers, ironic because it was early evening and this was the first time I'd seen them bloom.

"Go. You stink," Sage commanded, giving me a little nudge.