Chapter 19 : You Make Me Crazy


It's been two days since the bathroom incident, and Adrian and I haven't spoken. He avoided me pretty effectively until we had to get into the car together to ride to work this morning. I specifically chose the skin-tight skirt and cream-colored blouse for him, I wanted him to look at me and acknowledge how he felt.

But he didn't. He got in the car and turned the music up loud enough for me to take the hint that he didn't feel like talking. I felt so powerless as I sat there, not knowing what to say or do. The silence was stifling, and a million questions raced through my mind.

I wanted to ask him what was going on, but his expressionless face made me weary. His eyes were firmly fixed on the road, and with every passing second, my heart sank further into my stomach. As we finally pulled up outside of work, I knew that nothing would be resolved this morning.