Chapter 21 : I Like to Read


Adrian had one of his goons bring me back to his penthouse after my meeting with Dr. Sullivan. Naturally, his goon didn't tell me what Adrian was doing or when to expect him home, so I'd been busying myself with catching up on laundry and watching some trash TV.

We'd been working non-stop for weeks, and both my mind and body were exhausted. I leaned over and grabbed a dress that needed to be hung up, and the tight muscles in my back protested. I needed to see a massage therapist or a chiropractor sooner rather than later.

I was apprehensive to see Adrian, he'd been wound so tightly lately. This case was making him almost unbearable to be around, and the living arrangement we were currently dealing with wasn't going to work for me if he didn't let off some steam. I needed to find a way to get him to lighten up, at least for a few hours. Then, maybe I'd be able to make it through the next couple of months without murdering him.