Chapter 9 : Trapped

*Ava’s POV*

My whole body hurts as I roll out of bed and shut off my alarm. Yesterday’s Yoga class caused some serious muscle strain. I took a hot bath before getting into bed, but that hadn’t helped. My brain panics for a moment, recalling seeing Conner standing outside the building after Ellie left. I’m starting to agree with my friend about the frequency of the run-ins being questionable. Yes, we live in the same part of the city, but I shouldn’t be seeing him daily like this.

Today will be a better day, for sure. I pull out a pair of black leggings, a long black form-fitting tank top, and a purple long-sleeve flannel shirt. I don’t have to go work in a stuffy office with snobby clientele today. Instead, I get to go work my volunteer job at the local animal shelter.

After taking a quick shower, getting ready, and grabbing some breakfast, I lock the door behind me and head out. I make it as far as the elevator when I hear someone calling me. I turn around to find Anne hurrying behind me.

“Want some company?” she asks, stepping onto the elevator behind me. “I’m running behind for a doctor’s appointment, so taking the stairs is out today,” she adds.

“You know you’re always welcome,” I reply, smiling and pushing the button for the ground floor.

“Heading out to the shelter job?” she asks, no doubt noticing my clothing choice for the day.

I nod in reply.

“How lovely, I know how much you love working with the animals. It’s a shame what happened with Goldy and all. Why Conner was so insistent on keeping your dog is beyond me. I never saw him walking her or paying her any kind of attention. It was always you, my dear,” she says, causing my heart to hurt.

The doors open and we walk to the front. Biding one another a good day before parting ways. Now I’m sad thinking about Goldy and how much I miss her. Anne may not understand why Conner insisted on keeping the dog, but I do. He knew she was my anchor. She was the reason I would get out of bed most days and the only living thing that pleased me daily.

God, I miss her. I jog down to the coffee shop by the office to get a morning fix before walking the rest of the way to work. I would normally drive, but the weather isn’t bad and it’s actually faster to walk. Traffic in London is usually really busy in the morning. If I walk, I can be at the shelter in about twenty minutes versus a drive that can take almost an hour some days.

Chelsea, the barista, greets me as I step up to the counter.

“Your regular today, Ava?” she asks, holding up the largest cup they have.

“You know it,” I laugh before putting my card information into the machine.

She’s faster than usual and I’m out the door in five minutes. There is a park across the street from the office that I cut through to get to the shelter. It’s also a place I like to walk if I want to get out and stretch my legs.

Today is a good day, and I make it to the shelter in twenty-five minutes flat. I walk through the doors to see Sue’s happy face smiling at me from behind the counter.

“Looking good today, Ava-bean. We have a few new dogs that came in last night. Once you get situated, do you mind taking them out and showing them around the grounds?” she asks as she logs me in for my shift.

“Sure thing! I can’t wait to meet them,” I reply with a chirp.

I really love this job, and they offered me a full-time position that I had to turn down. It was just bad timing. Dr. Davies had needed a secretary and I wanted a paying job. If the shelter had offered a week earlier, it would have been doable. I’m sure there will be other chances in the future.

The day flies by as I keep myself busy. The dogs needed their breakfast, then potty walks, and lastly, I cleaned out the kennels. My shift is only about four hours long, but sometimes I stay late to sit with some of the older dogs.

When Sue comes back to tell me my shift is up, she finds me sitting with one of the Collies.

“Time’s up,” she says happily while opening the kennel door.

I groan while getting up. Moving around had helped loosen up my body, but after sitting for the last fifteen minutes, it aches in protest.

“Until next week, then,” I say before heading toward the front.

As I cross the street outside the therapist’s office, I notice none of the lights are on inside. Dr. Davies must have taken the day off, knowing I wasn’t coming in. The smell of fresh coffee beacons to me from down the street. I’m not usually a two-cup-a-day kind of gal, but today feels different.

I pop back inside and step in line. Chelsea must have gone home, replaced by someone I don’t know behind the counter. The guy is kind of slow, but I don’t mind. The rest of my day is mine to enjoy, and I have some reading to catch up on.

The guy is flustered taking my order. I would be too, considering there are about fifteen people in the line behind me at this point. He hands me my cup quickly, without giving me a second glance.

I turn toward the door and spot Conner sitting at one of the tables. I would totally lose it, but he has another woman sitting with him. This time, I think bumping into him is one hundred percent coincidental. I pay them no mind as I walk toward the door. I can feel Conner’s eyes on me, but I don’t turn around to acknowledge him.

I make it out onto the street and turn to head home. At least with him preoccupied I don’t have to worry…

“Ava, wait up,” Conner yells from behind me.

I step into the alleyway between the cafe and another business, allowing people on the street to get past me. Why am I waiting for him? This is such a bad idea.

Conner runs up to me, sounding out of breath.

“Jesus, Ava, you sure move quickly for a big girl,” he pants, grinning at his own joke.

“What do you want, Conner?” I ask, making sure to stay out near the road where people will see me.

“Whoa, dial the attitude back a little, will ya? I just wanted to see how things are going?” he asks, throwing his hands up in surrender.

“I need to get going,” I say, spinning around on my heels to take off down the street.

Unfortunately, Conner catches me by the shoulder and moves me into the alley. I feel trapped by the man I used to love as he steps closer. The building next to the cafe sends a shiver down my spine as I press my back up against the cold bricks.

“Please, Conner, I need to go,” I half beg, my voice quivering as I speak.

He appears to take pleasure in my discomfort as he cracks a smile but still doesn’t back off.

“You can go once I’m finished talking with you. I’m starting to think you’ve developed quite the attitude since I let you go,” he says, picking up a strand of my hair and playing with it.

I’m so uncomfortable. Not just because Conner is almost chest to chest with me, but because no one will see us here in the alley unless they happen to come down it. A large dumpster beside us is for sure blocking the view from the street. My brain starts to panic. What is he going to do to me this time?

Conner pulls hard on the piece of hair he has been playing with, causing me to yelp as he rips it out of my scalp.

“Oh, I guess that one was attached,” he teases, letting the strand fall out from between his fingers.

I gasp as a set of large hands grab Conner by the shoulders and yank him away from me, sending him across the alley and into a pile of garbage. My knees buckle and I lower myself to the ground with my back pressed flush against the wall. I’m stunned as I look up at the man standing between Conner and me. It’s Seymore.

“What the fuck, man! That’s assault! I’m going to call the police and have your ass arrested!” Conner yells in a fit of rage as he staggers back up to his feet.

“Sorry, I didn’t see you standing there,” Seymore says coldly, his back still facing me.

Fear has me stuck in place. I can feel hot tears burning my eyes, but I don’t dare cry. Although I’m scared stiff, I feel safe knowing Seymore is here. Conner rushes up on the billionaire, but Seymore doesn’t budge. My ex-husband sizes him up, trying to decide if starting a physical fight with him is a good idea. Seymore is a good deal taller than Conner, and he has more muscles in his little finger than Conner has in his entire body.

“I was trying to have a conversation with my woman…” Conner yells, deciding a physical altercation isn’t the way to start things.

“I’m going to stop you right there,” Seymore snaps in a low growl that vibrates down the ally. “She isn’t your woman, and once you put your hands on her it was no longer just a conversation,” he adds, closing the gap even more between him and Conner.

I pull my phone out and text Ellie. A simple EMERGENCY-HOME is all I send. It’s our code, and I don’t doubt she’s already on her way.

“What makes you so sure she isn’t my girl? Are you her boyfriend or something?” Conner yells, looking back and forth between the two of us.

“What if I am? It’s none of your business what goes on between Ava and myself,” Seymore replies calmly.

My heart almost stops and my stomach erupts with a flurry of butterflies. Did Seymore Lewis just tell my ex that we’re dating?

“I always knew you were a slut…” Conner hisses at me.

He doesn’t get to finish his sentence before Seymore reels back and punches him square in the face. Conner doesn’t know what hit him as he staggers back, blood dripping from his nose. It looks like he’s going to charge Seymore in retaliation just as another man steps into the alley.

“Is there a problem here?” the larger-than-life newcomer asks.

“Who the hell are you?” Conner yells, his voice cracking in anger.

“Marcus Greene, MI-6,” the man replies, flashing what I assume is a badge.

Conner looks scared as his attention is no longer on me but on the two new threats standing between us. My ex isn’t stupid, and he knows taking on Seymore and an agent would be very dumb.

“I’m glad you’re here,” he says, changing his tone. “This ass-hole just assaulted me,” Conner moans, showing off his bloodied nose.

“Is that so,” Marcus says before looking over at me. “How about you, Miss?” he asks, softening his tone.

I look at Conner before locking eyes with Marcus again. I shake my head slowly while I try to ignore Conner’s eyes burning into me.

“Why you little…” Conner starts, lunging in my direction.

Seymore steps in front of him while Marcus grabs him by the arm.

“Okay, let’s go for a little walk,” Marcus announces while pulling Conner away as a parent would a fussy child.

Seymore turns toward me for the first time since all this started, and I swear I hear a choir of angels break into song. I probably look like a hot mess, squatting on the garbage-riddled ground like a scared animal.

“Are you okay?” he asks, offering me his hand so I can get up without further embarrassing myself.

I’m shaking like a leaf, nauseous beyond belief, and on the verge of crying; but sure…I’m just great. I don’t dare say any of that to him. Instead, I give a nod and accept his offer to help me up. To my complete surprise, Seymore pulls me up with no effort at all. I’m on my feet so suddenly, I stagger forward.

I close my eyes and feel one of his muscular arms wrap around me, preventing me from ending up in a pile of trash. At this moment I get a good whiff of Seymore, and man does he smell fantastic.

I’m suddenly very aware that I literally smell like hot garbage, and I feel my face flush with color. Seymore helps me stand upright.

“Are you sure you’re okay?” he asks again.

This time I manage to find my words.

“Yes, thank you,” I reply, trying to keep from blushing again. “It must be my lucky day that you were nearby,” I stutter.

“I was just showing my friend around the city and wanted to take him to the best coffee spot in London,” he says, flashing me a smile.

“Your friend?” I ask, looking around for whoever had come with him. Secretly I hope it isn’t another woman, although I don’t know why I would think that.

I realize now that he still has his arm around me, and one of my hands is resting against his rock-hard chest. The urge to lean in and kiss him is almost too much to resist.