Chapter 11 : Turning Point

I wake up to the sound of Marcus singing loudly in the shower down the hall. I appreciate him replying so quickly to my call, but I already find myself anxious for him to leave. I’m used to the quiet noises of living alone. Zeus had brought enough life into the house for my liking, but now I have to get used to a roommate. The only other people I occasionally see are the housekeepers. A team comes in once a week to tidy up so the house doesn’t get dirty.

Despite waking up to the tone-deaf version of Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go, I find myself eager to start the day. I get to see Ava, and I think I’m going to ask her out. I felt enough of a connection with her yesterday to boost my confidence. Ellie had mentioned she talked about me, and that means I still have a chance.

After using the bathroom, I went to the closet to find something to wear. Marcus steps out of the bathroom down the hall, still humming something I can’t make out.