Chapter 13 : Crossing the Line

*Seymore’s POV*

I drop Zeus’s leash the moment I see Conner behind Ava. He grabs her before I have the chance to warn her he’s there. I watch as he slaps her, hard. My adrenaline is more than I can stand as I bang at the glass door, trying to get it to break.

“Get off of her!” I scream, causing Conner to turn around and look at me before delivering a kick to her side.

I’m going to kill him. The minute I get through these doors, he’s a dead man.

I rush over to the buzzer box and start frantically buzzing her condo. Ellie is up there, I saw her. She just needs to let me in and I’ll turn this entryway into a real crime scene. Zeus is barking non-stop at Conner, ropes of saliva dripping from his muzzle as he bares his teeth.

I watch as Conner delivers a few more blows before glancing up the winding stairwell. He looks back at me one last time, flashing me an evil smile, before taking off past the elevator and down a hall. I see Ellie fly down the steps and drop down next to Ava.