Chapter 15 : Self-Doubt

*Ava’s POV*

Panic grows in my chest as I search the darkness for any sign of Zeus. My own pain takes a backseat as I focus on finding him. Some low whining from somewhere in front of me pulls my attention deeper into the darkness. I scan the ground, hoping he isn’t injured and lying on the grass.

I don’t know what I’ll do if Zeus is hurt. It’s already my fault Seymore’s house was turned upside down. Conner must have figured out where he lived and came over with some of his friends to ransack the place. My ex isn’t just threatening Seymore now, he’s a danger to Zeus as well.

It’s the only thing that makes sense. Who else would do something like this? I feel like I’m taking advantage of Seymore’s kindness. Maybe I should put some distance between us. Before I can obsess too much over the situation with Seymore, Zeus comes crawling out from some underbrush.

“Come here, baby,” I coo after yelling for Seymore.