Chapter 19 : A Day Apart

*Seymore’s POV*

I look down at the tracking app and am shocked to find the wrong car stalking around Ava’s condo. I had thought Conner was having another go, but the blip is the tracker Marcus had planted on the tail earlier. The only reason I set it to Ava’s block is because I see him sitting outside Dr. Davies’ office a lot.

“What would he be doing over there?” Marcus wonders, saying the question in my head out loud.

“I have no idea,” I reply.

“Should we go check on her place?” he continues.

“No, the girls were at the bar when I messaged a little while ago. Let’s see if he hangs out or if he moves on.”

I watch the app more than the television as we finish the pizza and Marcus’ show comes to an end. The stranger had moved on, but not very far. He drove about fifteen minutes away to another part of town. His house maybe? After looking up the address, I found an apartment community on the map.

He sits there for what feels like forever before suddenly speeding away.