Chapter 32 : Family Matters

I try not to let Ava see my face as I glare at Marcus. How could he let it slip in front of her? He mouths ‘sorry’ at me as Ava goes to let the dogs in. It was going to have to come out eventually, may as well be now. I sit on the couch, my plans to walk the dogs through the property with Ava fading with each passing minute.

“Oh, no. You stay here,” I tell Marcus as he tries to sneak off to his room.

In typical Marcus fashion, he sulks like a child over to the couch before joining me with a huff. Ava follows with both dogs hot on her heels. They try to start roughhousing and Ava quickly calls it to a stop. Goldie isn’t allowed to play rough until she’s healed.

“Okay, so what were you saying about the Ambrose family?” Ava asks calmly while sitting next to me.

I sigh.

“Do you know who the Ambrose family is and what they do?” I question, needing to know how well she knows the people involved.