Chapter 34 : Taking Care of Ava

*Seymore’s POV*

The last few days were touch and go with my mental health as I bounced between Ava’s and the Hospital. Doc is improving every day, and it doesn’t appear that he will be suffering any long-term effects from his beating. Ava had been depressed for two days, refusing to get out of bed.

Today has been better, as I woke her up with a smile and a kiss. I haven’t left her side, leaving the dogs in Marcus’ capable hands. He’s been going to the hospital every day as well, but Ava refused to see him. She hadn’t wanted him to see her in her state.

We talk when we see one another, and we both agree that Conner and Corbin must be dealt with. Ava doesn’t deserve to live in fear, and Corbin needs to pay for what he did. I had feared Doc would die and I would lose someone I consider family. Now that I know he’s going to be okay, I just want revenge.