Under arrest


I flipped through to the last page of the GFC book, hoping whatever was on it would shed some more light on what I had just read. However, I was shocked to see that I had already read the last part of the book. I looked at the book in disbelief. Who the fuck writes a book that explains everything and nothing?

I swear I would have been better off if I never stumbled across this book in the first place; it explained nothing and just raised more questions than it answered. Just one big, confusing mess. I slammed the book shut, tossing it into the trashcan by the corner. 

I wasn't going to learn anything about the GFC factions from books, that was for sure. I needed to ask someone, someone high enough in radar to know all the confidential details that would be hidden from the public. Someone like Devon, but I already knew he wasn't going to give me an answer.