I hopped out of bed, stretching my arms out as I let out a deep yawn. I was a mess. I had an excruciatingly long day yesterday, hoping to land one job interview after another, yet despite all my efforts, I wasn't able to land one. I'm certain none of those jobs would call back.
That's if I make it through the first screening process. To top up the stress of yesterday, I got less than five hours of sleep. I'm so exhausted. But I can't give up; today's another day, and I have a bunch more interviews to get to. Hopefully, I'll be more lucky today than I was yesterday.
It's not like I blame anyone for refusing to hire me; who would hire me? I have absolutely no work experience in my field, and I ended things abruptly with the one bar I've been working in for eons. I'm every employer's worst nightmare.