
For the next few minutes, Edward listened to everything Itnia had to say about the event.

"That's all I know, and there will probably be some changes because, apart from the date and location, everything else is based on my past experiences," Itnia finished speaking, feeling Edward's curious gaze.

"For a fashion designer, you seem to know a lot about something so important. What have you been up to?" Edward asked.

"Business, just business. A queen friend allowed me to be her companion, and this year she asked if I wanted to go with her again since everyone liked me," Itnia said with pride.

Edward stood up, stretching. "Well, we've rested enough. It's time to leave on our journey, and we also need to help Tretrox."

"Hmm?" Itnia looked back and saw Mine chasing after Tretrox, using the fabric to try to hit him.